Site structure

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What is the site structure?

A site structure is a way of organizing and presenting content on a website. It defines how pages are related to each other and how users can navigate the site. A well-designed site structure helps users find information easily and enhances the overall experience of using the site.

Why do you need a good website structure?

A good site structure has a number of benefits. It improves navigation for users, making the site more convenient and understandable. It also helps search engines better index your site's content and increases its visibility in search results.

How to create a good website structure?

Creating a good site structure starts with planning. First you need to determine the goals of the site and the audience. Then you should create a sitemap that shows how the pages will be related to each other. Finally, you need to think about navigation and how to move around the site.

What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is a diagram that shows the structure of a website and the relationships between pages. It helps to understand how information is organized on the site and how users can navigate through it. A sitemap can also be presented as a text file that is used by search engines to index the site's content.

What types of navigation are there?

There are several types of navigation on a website. The main menu is usually located at the top of the page and contains links to the main sections of the site. The sidebar can be used for additional navigation or to display subsections of the current section. Breadcrumbs show the path from the main page to the current page.

How to improve the structure of an existing site?

If you want to improve the structure of an existing site, start by analyzing the current structure and identifying problem areas. You can then redesign the sitemap and navigation to make them more understandable and user-friendly. It may also be useful to test with real users. To get feedback and improve the structure of the site.

Optimizing the physical structure of the site

The physical structure of a site refers to the structure displayed by the website directory and the actual location where the files it contains are stored. The physical structure usually includes two different forms: a flat physical structure and a tree physical structure.
For a small website, all web pages are stored in the root directory of the website. This structure is a flat physical structure.

This flat physical structure is ideal for search engines because all pages can be viewed in one visit. However, if the website has many pages and there are too many web page files in the root directory. They will be quite difficult to find and maintain. Therefore, a flat physical structure is usually suitable for small and microsites with few pages.

Larger websites often require two or three levels or even more subdirectories to properly store web pages. This layered directory is also called a tree physical structure: that is, the root directory is subdivided into several channels or directories.

The advantage of using a tree-like physical structure is that it is easy to maintain, but it will be relatively difficult for search engines to crawl it. Most of the websites on the internet use a tree physical structure because the content tends to be rich.

Optimization of the logical structure

Unlike the physical structure of a website, the logical structure of a website is also called the link structure, which basically refers to the logical structure formed by the internal links of a web page, or is called the link structure. The difference between the logical structure and the physical structure is that the logical structure is determined by the relationship of the pages of a website. The physical structure, on the other hand, is determined by the physical address where the web site pages are stored.
In the logical structure of a website, "link depth" is commonly used to describe the logical relationship between pages.

“Link depth” refers to the number of paths taken from the source page to the destination page. For example, if page A of a website has a link to landing page B. The link depth from page A to page B is 1.

Similar to the physical structure, the logical structure of a website can also be divided into two types: flat and tree:

⟹ Flat logical structure: A website with a flat logical structure means that any two pages of a website can be linked to each other. That is, any page of a website contains links to all other pages and links between pages. The link depth is 1. There are very few websites on the Internet that simply use a flat logical structure as their entire site structure.

⟹ Tree logical structure: Refers to the structure of a website that uses categories. And also, channels and other pages to organize the link addresses of pages with similar attributes. On a website with a tree structure, the link depth is usually greater than 1.

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