How to do SEO optimization for new sites?

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SEO site optimization how to do.SEO site optimization. When SEO newbies first take on a website optimization project, they often don't have the opportunity to get started because they have too little understanding and lack of experience. It should be noted that there are plans that can be referenced when doing search engine optimization, just like the to-do list, you can refer to it for reference, check which plans have been completed and which plans have not been completed.

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Why do you need SEO website optimization?

Why do you need SEO website optimization.SEO is the best choice for marketing, foreign trade promotion and customer development. SEO website optimization is the most economical method of promotion for all companies and even various industries. Client traffic is in your hands, traffic is accurate and conversion is easier!

1. Show brand advantage

Let your website rank high on search engines, build a good brand image, increase brand influence, and get customers to trust your website.

2. Avoid the BD Pitfalls to Lower Marketing Costs

Avoid invalid paid clicks caused by BD word segmentation search and smart matching and reduce marketing costs.

3. Avoid malicious clicks from competitors

Efficiently avoid malicious clicks from competitors in BD PPC and cut your losses.

4. Top Positions in Multiple Search Engines

Understand that the website's ranking in several search engines is increased simultaneously, the optimization effect is synchronized, the distribution is wider, it is easier to attract targeted customers and send potential customers to the site, and to achieve consumption conversion.

5. One-time investment lasts for a long time

Once a website is well-optimized for ranking, it can generally maintain a good ranking for more than one year, which greatly reduces costs and ensures long-term and stable profits with high efficiency.

6. Huge opportunities for accurate traffic from the Google search engine

Google (Google), I don't think I need to talk much about it, the world's leading technology company, the world's largest search engine, occupying more than 90% of the global search engine market share, the traffic is huge, billions of people around the world search in it every day, looking for information, items, etc. Because users are actively searching and inquiring, the traffic from this search engine is highly accurate.

7. Less investment in SEO, good effect and accurate traffic

Compared to paid Google SEM advertising, the cost of SEO site optimization is relatively low, but if you want to get good results, you need technical talents who know the rules and ranking algorithms in SEO. It is especially important to have a strong team. Search engines will always be updating and changing, and only by following the rules of SEO optimization can we consistently and consistently receive accurate traffic.

8. SEO Has Compound Interest and Sustainability

SEO promotion is a job with compound interest! Because once you do good home page optimization, rankings can take a long time, and with a little maintenance, rankings can get better and better, whether you're a small to medium enterprise or a large branded enterprise.

9. Competition and involution of B2B platforms make SEO a trend

Many foreign trade companies will choose to stay on B2B platforms because B2B platforms have a certain amount of traffic and customers, but the pie is not that big. Malicious competition and B2B platform price wars are already recognized facts in the industry, and the upper limit is extremely low.

SEO is able to create your external trade independence, after artificial technical adjustment, search engine optimization of the home page, beyond the platform restrictions, the traffic will be in the hands of your own website, and the enterprise can be more independent!

10. SEO will improve user experience and increase conversions

Compared to advertising, SEO is more in line with the preferences of the public. Because whether domestic or foreign, people will naturally reject ads, people pay more attention to natural ranking results.
SEO website optimization is actually performed with user experience as a starting point. If a website's SEO ranking goes up, then the user experience will definitely have an edge.

1: Website Optimization

Website optimization.As 2023 approaches, many companies are thinking about how to optimize their new website for SEO. So, here I would like to share with you some of my views on SEO.

First, in order for your site to rank high in search engines, your site content must be valuable. This means that the content of your website must be unique and satisfy the user's need for information.

Secondly, in order for your site to be recognized by search engines, you must install a complete and effective SEO optimization program. This program should include keyword research, content optimization, title tag optimization, external link building, and code optimization.

Keyword Optimization

There are 3-5 main keywords on the main page, other long tail keywords are located on the content page, and the database of long tail keywords should be maximized so that traffic increases exponentially gradually. Pay attention to keyword density and don't clutter them up.

How to optimize keywords?

Keywords are not like the structure of a website or a website's tdk. Once they are defined, they are rarely modified. Keyword optimization should be combined with market trends, user search readiness and social hotspots, among other optimization factors. Below are some tips for keyword optimization.

(1) Make sure the target keyword is being searched for

SEO site optimization of a corporate website is the goal, to provide accurate traffic, and then quickly increase brand awareness of the website, complete the traffic conversion and make a profit. When an SEO chooses a website's main keywords, it is necessary to evaluate whether someone has searched for those keywords and whether the high search volume keywords are valuable.

Quickly assess the value of the keyword itself according to the needs and search habits of the user, such as keyword search engine optimization and search engine optimization training, and people who search for keyword search engine optimization. Maybe she's studying what's going on in SEO. People who are looking for keyword SEO training may want to pursue a career in SEO, and for those looking to get SEO training, the value is clear at a glance.

(2) Reduce the complexity of keyword optimization

Once you find keywords with search volume, try not to use industry trending keywords as target keywords for your website. For example, keywords such as lawyers, tourism, and education are popular keywords in a high-traffic industry, and it is difficult to optimize their rankings accordingly. For corporate or individual webmasters, choosing the right keywords can save resources and make optimization easier.

(3) Variety of keywords

With the development of the Internet, the search experience of users is becoming more and more rich, and they know that they cannot find relevant answers and solutions by searching in short words. Start looking for longer keywords, more specific, meaningful, and clearer questions to make it easier to find answers.
Therefore, search engine optimization must determine the attributes of the keywords according to the market demand of the website. After analyzing the keywords, categorize them according to the requirements of the website and the search habits of the users, and establish the commercial value of the keywords.

Internal link optimization

A website is actually like a web that can be accessed in all directions, which aids spider crawling. Only by optimizing a website's internal links into a quality structure can search engines better index a website and provide fast results. Don't isolate pages, if you don't want to include specific pages or directories, use a robots.txt file or a nofollow tag.

Site Structure Depth

The normal site structure should not exceed 3 layers. Follow the principle of 3 clicks, that is, start from the main page of the site, and after three mouse clicks you should get to the content page. If the page is too deep, it will directly affect the crawling efficiency of the spider, which is not conducive to indexing the content of the website by the search engine. Especially for new sites, it is necessary to control the depth of the site structure. Deepening is possible with stable scanning of the spider.

Site access speed

Website access speed is a very important SEO metric. The Google search engine makes it clear to us that website opening speed is used as a benchmark for ranking. Make sure that the website opening speed does not exceed 3 seconds. If you want to rank higher in the SERPs, you should ensure that the open speed is around one second, and technologies such as lazy loading, server-side text compression, and image optimization compression are used as much as possible.

Site Map

Check if the website has an automatically generated sitemap. Please note that this map should be generated automatically. Updating manually means no. Each webmaster platform has a background submission address. This address only needs to be submitted once, and search engine crawlers will update it frequently. This sitemap allows you to see what information on the site is not being crawled.

Image alt attribute

The alt attribute of an image is mainly used to display a placeholder tooltip when the image cannot be loaded. It is mainly used by text readers, but all major search engines use this attribute as the basis for evaluating a site's high quality. Writing appropriate image alt text is a mandatory optimization step for webmasters.


Search Console also has a special element that is used to count the navigation pages of a website, so breadcrumb navigation plays an important role in both user experience and website ranking optimization.


When we write articles, we should organize the structure of the article in a reasonable way and not use one tag at the end. The article should have a central idea, and then there are various subheadings that reveal the meaning of the topic. There are many tags in HTML, such as B tags, Strong tags, they can be used in the content writing process. Wise use of H tags can make articles easier to read, and search engines can better understand the content of the text.

URL Semantics (NC)

The semantics of URLs is not particularly important to users, but useful to search engines. If every article on a website can basically use human-readable URLs, that means the website is not like a machine. The collected content also needs to be written by hand, which indirectly makes a good impression on the search engine and causes the search engine to give more authority to the page.

Page 404

When a website cannot find content that can be accessed, the returned page must be a manually rendered 404 page. If you directly return to the server's 404 interface, such a user experience will be very poor. The search engine should also take this into account. If a Website does not return a correct 404 page, it cannot be a high quality website.

301 redirect

Websites usually have www and non-www domain names. The non-www domain name is the primary domain name, but most people enter a website address with www, so we need to decide whether to change from www to non-www or change to a 3w address without 3w. In fact, you can choose any domain name, the main purpose of a 301 redirect is to shift the weight to the same domain name.

Troubleshooting the robots.txt file

In all common search engines, the first thing to do when entering a website is to access the robots.txt file in the root directory and then refer to the rules of the robots.txt file to access the website. If they are set incorrectly, this will directly affect the inclusion of the website in the index. It is very important to check if the robots.txt file rules are set correctly.

Finally, in order to maintain a high level of SEO optimization, you need to constantly monitor, test, and analyze data. Only by constantly performing these actions, your site will always occupy a dominant position in the search engines.

2: Content Optimization

Content optimization.When many people create a website, they pay attention to the appearance of the website but often ignore the content. In fact, the content of a website is one of the important criteria by which search engines evaluate a website. Therefore, if you want your site to rank higher in the search engines, you must focus on content optimization.

Website content is the main focus of SEO website optimization. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the originality of a large amount of content. The article should be at least 500 words, preferably more. If there is too little content, search engines will consider it to be of poor quality. If a website has too much of this content, the search engine will not rank well. When displaying quality original articles, you should place keywords and long keywords in a reasonable layout.

First, we need to understand how search engines evaluate content quality. In fact, it's very simple to see if your content matches the keywords users are searching for. So, if you want to optimize your content, the first thing to do is to research your keywords.

Keyword research can be done with tools such as Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Keyword Planner, and Sogou Keyword Planner. With these tools, we can get some relevant keywords and then create content based on those keywords.

Of course, when creating content, it cannot be the same, it must be original. Because if you simply copy or modify articles that others have published, on the one hand, users will feel that the repetition is not new, and on the other hand, this will make the search engine think that your content is not original and punish you. Once a site is SEO-optimized, providing original, valuable, user-friendly content that can lead to a change in user behavior (e.g. leaving a message, placing an order, etc.) and other good content can really increase the benefits of SEO. .

3: Optimizing External Links

Optimization of external links.Content planning refers to the process of running a website according to the specific situation of the target audience, in order to formulate a content release plan and intelligently organize the time, frequency and form of content release in order to maximize the marketing effect of the content. To get the best SEO effect, new sites should pay attention to content planning when doing SEO.

Simply put, for a new site to rank high in search engines, it must have a lot of original content. Therefore, new sites should pay attention to content creation when doing SEO optimization of the site. Moreover, if a new site wants to attract more traffic, it must constantly update the content and keep the content up to date. Based on these principles, we can develop a simple approach to content curation.

External optimization External optimization is the icing on the cake for internal optimization. This is not a blessing in disguise. Only good work on internal optimization in cooperation with external optimization can be effective. Otherwise, problems and side effects may occur.

Create a release plan based on keywords

Find effective keywords with a keyword tool (such as Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Keyword Planner, Sogou Keyword Planner, etc.).

Then create a release plan based on those keywords. Find one or more topics (or call them "topics" or "keywords") related to the product or service you want to optimize.

Then use those keywords as the title of your upcoming article or blog post. It's like today you found my blog post for the keyword "SEO website optimization".

4: Website promotion strategy for beginners

Website promotion strategy for beginners.1. Start with the user intent

User Intent is a relatively interesting topic. The reason it's interesting is because a lot of people in the SEO process always take for granted the creation of some kind of nonsensical thesaurus that results in either no traffic or traffic but no conversion. The reason for this problem is that the user's intent is not understood.

User intent, also known as the need for data mining accuracy, is the truth behind the user's search thesaurus. We can judge a user's search motivation by the number of search queries. Thus, it can be said that search by user intent is the best way to work well in SEO competitive keywords.

2. Cover as many words as possible

We have a certain understanding of the search intent, then we also need to know that the user intent is multifaceted, just like the interests of a person, he likes to sing, maybe dance, maybe like to do something, etc. We try our best to meet all the preferences of this person, this is also supported by the algorithm of Google and Yandex to meet the corresponding needs of users as much as possible, so when analyzing thesaurus, we need to cover more words so that our articles get more coverage.

3. Captivating headlines

The title is a factor that influences clicks on an article. A good title not only attracts users to read, but also increases the number of clicks, which is very beneficial for the SEO of our website. Therefore, to make the title attractive, consider the following aspects:

  1. Write headlines as subjectively as possible.
  2. Increase the feeling of replacement.
  3. Add more numbers and words that will make users make the transition.

4. Learn from competitors

If our content can't be written or isn't written as well, we can learn from how our peers write, what their content includes, and where it's well written. We can learn from this and then optimize it to make quality content. Borrowing is not the same as plagiarism, we still need to integrate some of our peers' unique perspectives, thoughts and opinions on content. This is how we create new high-quality content.

5. Exchange links with colleagues

If our site is established, we can find peers to exchange friendship links. Nowadays, you need to be aware of the fact that both external and internal links are a factor in increasing page rank, so try to exchange links to some high-quality sites. Guarantee, that our site is in an excellent ranking, and the same should be true for the site of the other party.
in the end
Although this strategy seems simple, it is still relatively practical in SEO for websites in 2023. Still, if all this scares you or you do not want to spend your precious time on SEO. I recommend that you read the following table of contents.

5: SEO optimizer how to choose a qualified team?

How to find a qualified SEO team?The development status of different enterprises and the needs of the desired effect are often different, it is better to choose the best than to choose the most suitable. So how can we determine if an SEO company is right for us?

SEO optimization is not easy. For optimization to work effectively, your SEO plan must be tailored to the industry and local conditions. But now in the market, various optimization companies are technically uneven. Faced with challenging SEO market conditions, how should companies choose the best SEO company?

(1) Successful cases of SEO optimization

An experienced SEO team often collaborates with clients across industries, and there are many successful use cases online. Looking at the optimization example, you can see if the team has professional and mature SEO techniques and can accurately solve problems based on optimization experience.

Qualified SEOs must have their own successful SEO case. We can find out how effective their work is and what customer reviews they have. A success story is the place that best reflects the capabilities of an SEO company.

(2) Look at the cost of SEO optimization and promotion

Different SEO teams have different payment standards, some charge according to keywords, some charge monthly or yearly, and so on. But some people will choose these inexpensive SEO companies to save on promotion, but for a product you get what you pay for and cost effectiveness is key.

In order for SEO promotion of corporate websites to receive better services, businesses should pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of promotion. To ensure that choosing an SEO company is smart, you should try to compare several companies, compare technologies, services, and industry cases, and make a choice that suits your own needs.

(3) Look at optimization technology

When choosing a website optimization company, you should check whether the technology used by the company is formal, whether it uses fraudulent methods, etc. It is best to choose white hat technology that promotes the development of the website.


Summing up, everyone should pay attention to the importance of SEO site optimization, so search marketing is also called precision marketing, frankly, any business promotion is inseparable from SEO promotion.

Some people may ask, are social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube, VK, OK not suitable for promotion?

Of course they do, but the focus is different: the conversion effect of social networks is not as good as SEO promotion in search, they are more focused on building a brand by word of mouth. The main reason you do search engine optimization is actually because the customer queries are accurate, the conversion is fast, and it's purely technical work, cost-effective, sustainable, compound interest rate and so on.

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