Falling site positions in Yandex - problems with search results

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A common cause of falling positions are. Decline in website rankings.

Falling site positions, disabling personal search and general problems with the issuance of Yandex. Many novice webmasters take certain situations related to search results to heart.

In most cases, anxiety is in vain, you just need to wait a while. Let's look at the most common non-critical problems, and then turn our attention to the really alarming symptoms.

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Frequent problems associated with the issuance of Yandex

The site abruptly drops out of the TOP-100 search results. Decline in the position of the site in Yandex.

Many novice specialists constantly have questions: why did the position of the site sag sharply? Why are the results different in different browsers? etc. Many people think that it is their site that is the problem, but in fact, search engines also make mistakes.

Consider some situations:

  1. The request was in the TOP 10, and a day later it flew out of the TOP 50.
    • Solution: In most cases, this is an error on the Yandex side. A letter is sent to the support service, and the request appears in the TOP 10 in 1-2 weeks.
  2. The request was in a good position, but it sank, and Moscow sites and sites from other regions appeared in the search results.
    • Solution: In most cases, this is an error on the Yandex side. Broke regional issuance. The request appears in the TOP 10 in 1-2 weeks.
  3. The site sank sharply in all positions. Perhaps the site has lost its regional binding.
    • Solution: In most cases, this is an error on the Yandex side. The region is restored through the Yandex. Webmaster. Positions will improve in 1-2 weeks.
  4. Site traffic keeps at a stable level for a long time – 60-100 visitors per day, but today Yandex.Metrica shows 0 visitors.
    • Solution: In most cases, this is an error on the Yandex side, the Yandex Metrica service is broken.
  5. In the report, the request takes position 8-9, and when checked by the client on the day the report is submitted, it takes position 11-12.
    • Solution: Yandex and Google are dynamic search engines, so the results can change at any time. Very often, Yandex mixes spectral admixture into the search results - video materials, tweets, posts from social networks, wiki articles, which can move our query down.
  6. In one browser, the request is in the TOP 10, in the other it is on the second page of the issue.
    • Solution: Clear browser cache and disable personal search.

The position of the site in the search results sank significantly, the pages fell out of the SERPs, and so on.

Many should understand that violations on the site can lead to serious consequences. In some cases, the problem can be fatal and irreparable.

Let's take a look at the problems that can really seriously affect the authority of the site in the eyes of search engines.

The drop in the site's position is sharp - they fell outside the TOP 100, but some pages remained in the TOP 50. The overall traffic fell

Answer: Most likely, the site is under the filter. In most cases, this is a filter - Non-unique content, spam, too much ads, lots of bad backlinks. Check Yandex Webmaster for warnings. If the site is really under the filter, contact support for a minimal consultation.

After that, it is necessary to analyze the pages that have fallen beyond the 100th position - for the presence of spam in the text (overabundance: keys, highlights, and other things). Further on the uniqueness, which should be at least 94%, and better all 100%.

Please note that the number of ad units per page should not exceed 4, especially if the site is young.
You should also check the site for duplicate pages, a lot of unnatural backlinks, and in some cases for copied material from the site (perhaps an attacker is using your content).

Exclusion from the search of the site pages, a significant decrease in the indexing of the site. Perhaps the main page was left in the search

Answer: It is quite difficult to determine why the search engine excluded the pages of the site from the search results. Many reasons can contribute to this situation.

  • doorway - site pages redirect visitors to another site. In this case, you should immediately remove all redirects to third-party resources. Check the project for viruses and hacking aspects, change access passwords if necessary. After that, you should contact the PS support with a request to check the corrections. Then wait.
  • cloaking - deceiving the PS and users, providing false information to both parties. Try to create content for people, this is the most promising method of promotion. Which can even affect the ranking of the site in the search engine. The page should present the same content, for both sides!
  • Hidden text - text in small print on the page (containing promoted requests). It is enough to change the font to one that is well perceived by the eye. Remove fragments of text that are oversaturated with keywords. Submit the site for reindexing and wait for the results.
  • Partnership programs - a large number of advertising banners of third-party sites on the page. Advertising of services, goods, announcements and other things. Such sites are perceived by search engines as low quality. In this case, you should clean up the site and get rid of annoying ads from other sites. You can earn in a legal way by placing PS advertisements.

X and PR dropped to 0 - pages disappeared from the search, Trast of the site dropped to a minimum

X became 0, PR - 0, Trust Rank 0.

Such data can only speak of fatal violations on the site. Search engines are ruthless with sites that violate most of the existing rules.

The site will gradually disappear from the search results, perhaps the main page will remain. In this case, I can recommend - start all over again. In this case, you should take into account past experience and not make mistakes that can lead to the collapse of your work.

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