7 internal linking tips for better SEO

Almost every article linked internally (Internal Link), begins with a discussion of complexity and importance. On the one side, internal links is a very simple concept. On the other hand, the theory, process, and practice of internal linking is very complex. But no matter what they say about it, its importance cannot be denied. Especially for content marketing, the strategic use of internal links is
The content of the article:
Getting started with internal links
Definition of internal links
Internal links are links that link one page of a website to other pages on the same website. The source domain (Source Domain) and target domain (Target Domain) in the internal link are the same.
Purpose of internal links
Internal links serve three main purposes:
- Helps to navigate and navigate the site.
- Define the architecture and different levels of the website.
- Assign page authority and rating for the entire site.
Related theory
While much of the so-called "good information" or "robust strategy" associated with internal links is just speculation, it's important to understand how Google ranks and values internal links.
The main theory is that internal links can add to the overall SEO value of a website because internal links provide a clear path for search engine spiders, extend session time for users, and form a tightly connected network.
So what to do next? Here are seven suggestions.
Seven internal linking tips for better SEO
1. Enrich website content
Before you can create a certain number of internal links, your site must contain a certain number of internal pages. In the same way, the first step to developing a great internal linking strategy is to develop a great content marketing strategy, both of which are essential. When you create a lot of content, you have a lot of pages to link to. The more links you have to different pages on your site, the more effective your strategy will be. A good internal linking strategy doesn't necessarily mean using a complex page hierarchy, it just needs to link to useful content.
If you want to insert the right keywords into your website content, try Ubersuggest. This site can help you find the right keywords to identify the creative direction you need.
The website will give you a large number of keywords to choose from, but when choosing, it's best to focus on the part with high search volume (e.g. above 1000), high search volume means lower SD (SEO Difficulty, Search Engine Optimization Difficulty) and higher exposure.
Also, you can use long tail keywords to indicate the direction of your links. For example, you create an article on your website called "How to Compare Clear Phone Cases" with long keywords such as "clear cases for iPhone 6s plus" and "clear cases for iPhone 7". When you create content in the future using these words as your main keywords, you will be able to link these pages to each other.
2. Use anchor text
In keeping with the theme of your internal link content, your internal links should use anchor text, not link images. But if your image is not the primary source of the link, then an image link will do. It is important to note that the Alt tag should be very clear and understandable.
Of course, using anchor text can also cause new headaches, so you shouldn't over-optimize the page, just use the most natural sentence as your anchor text.
3. Deep link
The deeper your links, the better. However, the following two types of links should be avoided in the content:
- Homepage. Most websites contain too many links to the home page. Instead of just adding links to your home page, you should focus on optimizing your content to improve your site's overall SEO performance.
- Contact us. Many beginners in content marketing make mistakes here. At the end of an article, many people might write "Please call us to find out more about our services!" followed by a "Please call us" link to the "Contact Us" page. Don't do this unless absolutely necessary.
In general, we want to avoid linking content to pages contained in the main navigation menu. The best links in a content marketing strategy are deep links that are cleverly built into the structure of your site.
4. Use links that match user behavior
The real value of internal linking is not in placing links all over the site, but in helping readers.
The benefit of internal links is that they increase user engagement on your site. When a user sees a link that matches the context of an article, they are more likely to click on it. It can also be an external reference if it is content that readers will be interested in. But if the link is internal, the visitor will stay on your site longer and be more interested in your site.
5. Link to related content
As mentioned earlier, internal linking is not as strict and scientific as some people think. But don't link just for the sake of links, look for contextual content.
As an example, suppose a website has a page about dog food and a page about parrot nesting habits. Should I link these two pages? There doesn't seem to be a strong connection between dog food and parrot nesting. So these two pages may not add value through internal linking. However, if there was a page about parrot food, that would be a good option for links to parrot nest articles.
6. Use links to navigate
The best way to create an internal link structure for content marketing is to use click-through links.
Back in 2005, search engines came up with Nofollow (do not track). The idea of Nofollow is that links "should not affect the ranking of the target link in search engine indexes". This can prevent the website from being identified by search engines as engaging in inappropriate SEO activity.
But using Nofollow links is not an internal link strategy. The value of a link lies in its free movement between internal pages, and not in Nofollow blocking.
7. The number of internal links should be reasonable
You don't need many links in your content. Google's guidance is simple: "Keep the number of links on your page at a reasonable level."
Q: What is a reasonable amount? A: Nobody knows.
According to one expert: "About 100 links seems reasonable, and in some cases it makes more sense to have more than 100 links." Maybe, but those 100 links include all the links on the page — footers, headers, navbars, ads, and so on. 100 is not as difficult as it sounds if you count the total number of hyperlinks (HREF) on the entire page.
In practice, you can set three to four internal links depending on the length of your article. But if your article is long and you don't have a navigation bar with lots of links. The value can be increased to 10 or 20 internal links. Quantity is not the core of the problem, user experience is what matters. We want to add as many useful links as possible for users.
Don't create too many links in your website footer!
A few years ago, it was common practice on travel and real estate sites to place the most keyword-rich internal links next to the footer. It's not uncommon to see up to 50 links next to a footer. But the problem is that when you have a site with thousands of pages, it quickly multiplies into tens of thousands of "spam" links to it, and search engines penalize your site.
Setting up internal links is easy if you keep these seven tips in mind. Practice these internal linking strategies consistently and your site will perform better.
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