How to Add a Google Map to a WordPress Site Page

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How to embed google map on website page.Friends, I greet you! In this guide, I will how to add google map to page or post of your wordpress site. First, let's figure out why Google maps are needed on pages or posts.

  1. google map can be added to pages: contacts, delivery, and other pages. Exactly where it is necessary to indicate the location of the business / company, etc. As well as the delivery area for example.
  2. google map can be inserted into a post with a travel topic, on a page about yourself (where, for example, your location is indicated).

The use of Google maps on the site may be different, but the essence is the same. Indication of location/territory/address, etc. This is another way to improve the functionality of the site for the user. Card insertion is very popular among large websites of companies / online stores with delivery and others.

The content of the article:

How to embed google map on website page.

First, copy the link and paste it into your browser. is the official source from which we will take data for inserting Google maps. Next, we need to find the city/country we are interested in or a specific address. In order to find the place we need on the map, enter the name or address into the search. I will tell on the example of the city of St. Petersburg:

Google map official source.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Enter in the search field "St. Petersburg" (or the country, city, address with the street you are interested in).

How to add google map to page or post.
2. After you have found the right place. Click on the menu icon in the top left corner.

Embed Google Maps on a website page.
3. Next, click on "Link/code".

How to embed google map in wordpress website.
4. In the next window, you need to go to the "Embedding cards" tab.

How to add google map to post. Embedding cards.
5. In the tab, click on "Copy HTML”, all code will be copied to the clipboard.

Embed google map in wordpress page.
6. Next, using the copied code of the map you need, go to the page/post where you want to insert the Google map. Then go to the editor tab "Text” and paste the copied code in the right place on the page. Then save/refresh the page.

An example of inserting HTML code into a post is a text editor.

Inserted HTML example:

An example of the embedded HTML code of a google map in a post.

An example of the Google map view in the visual part of the editor:

Ready google map - embedded in the page/post.

Please note: if you need to change the height or width of the map, change the value of width (width) and height (height) in the copied map code, in the editor's "Text" tab.


As you can see add google map to page or post any of you can. It is enough to follow the instructions, if you have any questions, please voice them in the comments to this post. Well, I continue and in the following articles I will talk about changing the password in WordPress, the possibility of password recovery and deleting unnecessary comments. I hope this guide will be useful to you.

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