Site ban in Yandex search - the main reasons

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Site ban in Yandex search - the reasons for the ban.

Site promotion by a novice or an inept specialist can lead to a “ban”. Website banthis is the reduction of the ICS to zero and the exclusion of the site from search queries. As a result, the site does not receive targeted visitors from search engines. Ban can be obtained as a result of random actions or as a result of "black promotion".

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How does a site get banned in the Yandex search engine?

The main reasons for getting banned. Site ban - reasons.

  • You need to know what not to do in order not to get a ban out of ignorance. So, you can get a site ban in Yandex:
    for a large number of external links from the main page. This applies to new sites and in most cases is not taken into account by the "old-timers" because popular sites have many advantages over newcomers, according to Yandex.
  • for the slow "engine" of the site. In this case, search robots cannot quickly process all the pages and do not return to it anymore.
  • for content that carries little useful information and is not interesting to the reader. At first, a large amount of such information will be encouraged, but in the future it is unlikely.
  • for unique content. In this case, the position of the site in Yandex will steadily decline, and only if the content of the site is completely borrowed from other sites will it receive a ban.
  • if the site is not supported by its creator for a long time and is not updated, then it ceases to be indexed by search engines.
  • for the use of prohibited methods of promotion. Beginners, wanting to quickly increase their ICS, enter into various link exchange systems. Yandex is familiar with these systems and regards such actions as a way to mislead the administration.

Yandex practically does not index sites that belong to the owners of cheap, densely populated areas, such as China.

How to avoid the imposition of sanctions by the PS?

How to avoid sanctions from search systems. Site ban in search.

Most importantly, follow the recommendations of the search engines. And the simplest steps:

  • Monitor the performance of your website engine, optimize if necessary. The site must meet all the basic requirements for most devices. Nobody needs a site that opens for a long time!
  • High-quality and most importantly unique content, the surest way to the top. Thanks to great content, your site will come to you, and search engines will treat you with confidence.
  • Use only professional ways to promote the site, building up a good reference mass, you will have a beneficial effect on many site indicators.
  • Structure your content properly and try not to refer too heavily to other projects.
  • Constantly work on your project - PS love when work is in full swing on the site.

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