Website violations

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Website violations

Violations on the site can lead to a drop in search engine rankings and reduced traffic. This can be caused by various reasons, such as misuse of keywords, violation of search engine rules, or incorrect site operation.

How to detect violations

To detect violations on the site, it is necessary to conduct an audit. This can be done with special tools or by hand. It is important to check all the pages of the site and make sure that they meet the requirements of search engines.

What to do if violations are found

If you find violations on the site, you must immediately take measures to eliminate them. This may include changing content, fixing bugs, or updating the site structure. It is important to ensure that all changes are made correctly and meet the requirements of search engines.

How to prevent violations

To prevent violations on the site, it is necessary to regularly audit and ensure that the site meets the requirements of search engines. It's also important to update content and make sure it's relevant and interesting to users.

The Importance of Correcting Violations

Correcting violations on the site is an important step to improve search engine rankings and increase traffic. This will help attract more visitors and increase sales. Violations should not be ignored, as this can lead to serious problems in the future.

Violations on the site can lead to a drop in rankings and a decrease in traffic. To detect and fix them, you need to conduct regular audits and monitor compliance with search engine requirements. Correcting violations will help improve the ranking of the site and increase traffic.

Site Security Violations

1. Phishing attacks: In these attacks, a hacker attempts to impersonate a legitimate person in order to trick the user into voluntarily handing over their information.

2. Hacking the site with a redirect (contributes to the ban).

3. Code Injection: When malicious code is inserted through input fields and executed by the website code or database.
4. Cross Site Scripting Attacks: This type of vulnerability steals user cookies.

5. Brute Force Attacks: As the name suggests, there is no trick to this type of attack.
6. Vulnerabilities on the site.

SEO-related site violations

1. Low quality content - little text.

2. Re-optimization - a large content of keywords in the content of the page.

3. Spam.

4. Advertisement - large content of advertisements on the site.

5. Non-unique content - low content uniqueness, copyright infringement, copy-paste.

6. External re-optimization - a large amount of external links from one domain, links are not natural, not thematic.

7. Duplicate content on the site.

8. Cryptocurrency mining A script designed for mining cryptocurrencies on users' devices was found on the site.

9. Placement of SEO-links on site pages - placement of SEO-links on your site in order to influence search algorithms.

10. Sites designed to redirect the user to the pages of another site.

11. The presence on the site of a listing of search queries or texts oversaturated with keywords.

12. Hidden text - the site contains invisible or poorly visible texts designed to deceive the search engine.

13. Clickjacking is a fraudulent technique for obtaining personal data of a website visitor without his knowledge.

14. Imitation of user actions - the use of special programs or services that simulate user transitions from search engines.
15. Cloaking - in order to deceive the search engine, site visitors are shown one content of the site, and search robots - another.

16. Dangerous redirect - the site page redirects the user to another resource. This action may be unexpected for the user.
17. Similarity to a popular site - the site copies the content, favicon and other elements of a popular resource. This representation may be misleading to users.

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