Affiliate filter - Yandex filter for sites duplicating each other

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Affiliate filter - Yandex filter for sites duplicating each other

Affiliate filter - this is a Yandex search engine filterA that overlays a group of sites if they are duplicates of each other. In fact, this type of sanctions is applied only to duplicate sites.

I think many understand that the main audience that has its own project is not involved in such black methods of promotion. The Less Useful Content Guide will also give you some insight into duplicates on the site.

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The history of this filter is quite simple.

The fact is that at a certain point in time, Yandex search results began to become oversaturated with resources very similar to each other, which were developed by companies in order to attract as many target audiences as possible.

Yandex could not but react to the emergence of such a situation, which significantly lowered the quality of search results, which led to the introduction of the affiliate filter.

Operating principles

Affiliate filter - site diblils (site copy).

The principles of operation of this filter are also quite banal and simple. If the search robots of this search engine find several websites that are very similar to each other, then all of them are regarded by the algorithm of this search engine as affiliate sites, and fall under this filter.

In the search results, Yandex leaves only one site out of all affiliated resources.
When determining the degree of similarity of sites, Yandex pays attention to such indicators as the degree of similarity in design and structure, the coincidence of topics and content, and the coincidence of contact information. If the subject and content are only additional conditions for applying the affiliate filter to the site, then the complete match of contact information is a guarantee that the sites will fall under this filter.

How to avoid getting a site under the Yandex affiliate filter?

In order for several sites of one company to be able to function normally in the Yandex search engine, their optimizers must fulfill the following conditions for their optimization.

  1. Uniqueize designs of different resources. Of course, the designs of affiliated sites can be similar and indicate their belonging to the same company, but they should be as unique as possible. This also applies to the structure of affiliated sites.
  2. Website content must also be unique.. This can be achieved, for example, by advertising or selling different groups of goods or services on different sites.
  3. Miscellaneous contact details. Since it is the coincidence of contact details on different sites that is the main reason for applying the affiliate filter to them, this element of the resource must be approached as responsibly as possible. You can achieve the uniqueness of contact information for different resources of one company, for example, by publishing the data of the company's central office on the main site, and the contacts of branches, departments, and so on on others. I recommend that you read the materials about the bath on Google, there are also interesting solutions and alternatives.

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