8 Essential Elements to Maintain a WordPress Site

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WordPress website - website optimization.Website launch is more than just publishing content and attracting prospects. There are many tasks required to ensure that WordPress runs as smoothly as possible. The task is to maintain your WordPress site on a regular basis, and if you do not pay attention to it, the speed of your site will decrease significantly.

Luckily, maintaining WordPress is not a complicated process. In this article, you'll find 8 helpful tips to keep your WordPress site up and running at all times.

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Monitor page load time

Page load time - pagespeed.web.devPage load time plays an important role in the user experience. If customers take too long to load a page, they can become frustrated and give up immediately, leading to a high bounce rate and a direct negative impact on sales conversion rates.

2 seconds is the perfect time to load your site. When this threshold is exceeded, the longer the timeout, the easier it is for the user to exit the page. So you need to use a testing tool like Pingdom Tools, to test the page loading.Pingdom Tools.

You should do this monthly to find out what's wrong before it gets worse. If your pages are loading slowly, there are some tricks you should try to speed up your site.

In addition, you need to consider whether you have chosen the right quality hosting provider. Even the first step in managing your network can save you time and money. In particular, by choosing the right supplier and method, you do not need to change other suppliers, which allows you to use your money wisely and economically.

Note. Monitor page loading time weekly.

Delete draft messages and trash

The longer you stay on your WordPress site, the more junk it gets, such as deleted posts, unused posts, and deleted comments.

In some cases, this data can slow down the website. Therefore, it is better to clean them regularly. This is very simple and can be done right from the admin page.

  • Let's start by deleting the draft. To delete them completely, go to the All Posts or All Pages tab and select which posts belong to the Trash category:
  • If you have any problems, click on the "Cart" link. Then click the Bulk Actions menu. Select the "Permanent removal" option and click the "Apply" button:
  • After cleaning WordPress from garbage, you can deal with comments. The same for posts and pages.

With these steps, your WordPress site and your dashboard will be clean. Depending on the amount of content you post each month, the cleanup frequency should vary.

Note: Cleaning is done monthly, depending on the size of your site.

Update your plugins and themes

Plugins and themes are the best for using WordPress. There are thousands of options to choose from, many of which can add powerful functionality to your website. Also, when you know how to find hot deals like coupons or discounts on reputable sites like Couponupto.com, you can buy premium themes and plugins at the best prices. However, the more plugins you have, the greater the management responsibility.

If you forget to update your plugins and themes regularly, chances are they will start to crash at some point because older software may not be compatible with newer versions of WordPress or newer plugins. Not only that, outdated plugins and themes can lead to vulnerabilities on your website that hackers can use to inject malicious code.

To avoid these problems, you can simply look at the plugins tab, where you can see how many plugin updates are pending for your actions. This also applies to themes.

In some cases, you may want to try testing important themes and plugins in a test environment before launching them. This may take longer, but will help you avoid fixing bugs if something goes wrong with the new plugin.

Note. Do this when new updates appear, or at least once a month.

Backing up your website

During WordPress maintenance tasks, backing up your website is an important step to improve the security of your website. Having a WordPress backup will help you in many different situations.

For example, if the site goes down, you can simply restore it from a backup. It's also possible if you've accidentally deleted important information or run into compatibility issues with plugins.

Most people need to keep certain site backups, but few actually do so. WordPress gives you plenty of backup options, why not?

Note: at least once a week if possible.

Check for broken links

Over time, most pages on your website contain broken links to pages on your domain or to other sites on the Internet. If these links are updated and moved to other links or removed, they will no longer work.

Broken links is a serious problem because they leave visitors dissatisfied. If a site has too many broken links, users will perceive the page as unmanageable for a long time or not updated regularly.

You can take the time to manually check every link on every page and in every article. However, if your site has a lot of content, this will not be possible. For large sites, people often use tools like WP Broken Link Status Checker, for checking broken links, is a very good WordPress maintenance plugin. All recommended plugins are free, so they will save you a lot of time while working on your website.

Delete the WordPress cache

Website caching is the easiest way to speed up your website and improve its performance to keep your visitors. This approach just helps the browser keep a copy in its cache so it doesn't have to reload every time the site is viewed.

As convenient as it is, you sometimes need to clear the WordPress cache, especially if your site has a major update. This will help all your visitors see the latest version of your website and not the old version they have on their computer.

If you have a cache plugin, this cache clearer is very easy as most cache plugins have a cache delete feature.

Optimize Your WordPress Database

WordPress stores website data in a database. Every change you make on your website will be stored in a WordPress database table. The problem is that as the site gets bigger, so does the database, so it contains a lot of backlog. Dropped posts or drafts are also stored in the WordPress database.

So it is better to remove this extra information. In other words, you will need to optimize your database. You can do this manually in the database by accessing the database directly from the control panel. However, the database is an important and sensitive place, and it will take you a long time to figure out which tables to clean up.

To save time, you can use a database optimization plugin like the maintenance plugin WP-Optimize.

Update your password

Last but not least, updating your password is an important task on the list of allowed WordPress statements. You may not be aware that your password may have been stolen elsewhere, so it's important to change it to a new, unused password. In fact, not everyone follows this rule.

While there are many ways to secure your WordPress site, changing your password monthly is one of the easiest. This method is very simple yet amazingly effective and minimizes the risk of someone visiting your website.

Using a password manager can be helpful if you haven't changed your password for a long time because you forgot your new password. It will help you create and save complex passwords for increased security.

Final Thoughts

Every successful website requires a minimum of effort. WordPress maintenance requires a lot of care to keep your site running as smoothly as possible. A WordPress site and its maintenance is not an easy job, but it will help your site perform at its best in the eyes of your readers.

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