Your site from Google Banned to Google Unbanned - let's try

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Google Banned - solutions to the blocking problem in Google.

From Google Banned to Google Unbanned - go. Even if you're not looking for trouble or violating any known Google SEO rules, you still may have to experience the real SEO nightmare of exclusion from the Google index. While Google is somewhat of a search engine monopoly, it's not a bully company that excludes innocent victims from Adsense for sheer pleasure.

Google strictly adheres to SEO best practices and excludes sites that behave inappropriately. However, even Yandex does not lag behind and blocks low-quality sites that use black methods of promotion.

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Why can your site be under Google Banned?

Possible reasons for a site to get banned by Google. From Google Banned to Google Unbanned.

If you own and run a blog or website, getting listed on Google is a very important step to get as many people as possible to read it. However, what if your site gets banned by Google (Google Banned)? If this has happened to you, then you know perfectly well that it is hurting your site.

The reason is simple, you won't show up on the Google search engine, which means less traffic to your site. Getting unbanned from Google is a long and drawn out process. And sometimes Google doesn't even tell you the reason why they blocked your site in the first place, which doesn't make things any easier.

Some of the ways a site can be banned by “Google Banned”include spamming it, adding too many keywords that clog your site, redirecting your own URLs to each other (circular links), inserting a robot.txt file incorrectly, duplicating your own pages and sending users to them again, and again, as well as links to bad sites such as sites with adult content, gambling, or other harmful areas of the internet.

There are several other reasons as well, so it is recommended that you try to find out the reason for Google blocking. This will greatly simplify the solution of the problem. Over-optimization has many faces!

Here are the required steps you need to follow to get Google re-considered for your site to be unblocked. Be sure to follow Google's review request process exactly and correctly if you want to unblock your website and get it back up and running, thereby providing any products or services it has:

1. Submit a review request to Google to get unbanned

In order to have your website re-listed by Google, you must submit a request for Google re-review. First, you will know that your site has been banned by Google because all of a sudden it has no page rank. Then, to pinpoint that this is the case, enter your site at into Google, using whatever your site name is instead of "your_site". If you can't see any of your pages, chances are you've been banned.

Another way to find out if you really banned by Google, - See if your pages appear in the Google Page Index. Or, if it's a news blog, you can go to and if you don't see your articles there, you'll also know that you've probably been banned by Google and now you need to submit a review request to your site. Google.

2. Be very courteous with Google

Then remember that you are sending your Google review request to a real person who works for Google, and someone will actually read your Google review request to be unbanned.

Therefore, you need to be polite and give as much detail as possible, as in this situation it is better to give too much information than not enough. In this situation, it is important to be a “bunny”, and if you act like a jerk, then most likely no one will want to help you.

3. Provide detailed domain information

List such things as if it were a brand new domain name, tell them a bit about your website, and also tell them about rules you think you may have broken. In case there was spam, click on your account, get proof of the same and email them about it.

This shows Google that you are serious about solving the problem when you submit a proposal to Google to review your site. Write down everything you think someone needs to know to know who you are and refresh their memory of why you were banned in the first place. Be sure to do your research to understand what's going on and fully explain it to Google representatives when submitting a request to Google.

4. Explain what steps you have already taken

When submitting a request for your site to Google, let the representative know what you have already done to resolve the issue that caused you to be banned. Describe it in detail and give them the actual page URL to prove it. It is better to provide as much information and data as possible so that Google representatives understand what you have done to solve the problem.

For example, if your site is linked to bad links, you should make sure to remove all of them. Be sure to delete all spam or anything that Google doesn't approve or like. Then prove to Google that you did it by showing them the evidence. Or, if you had invalid clicks, which is one of the common causes of Google blocking, show why the clicks were valid.

All this information requires details in order for them to understand the situation and help you resolve it. Also, make sure the changes you make to your website meet the requirements to be re-enabled by Google. Don't do anything on your site that might annoy Google.

5. Verify the rights to your website

Sign in to your Google Webmaster account, add and verify your site. Then go to . This is the page you use to submit your site review request to Google to get it unbanned.

You can also email information to This is where Google representatives provide customer support. You may also need to sign up for Google Webmaster Tools once you've signed in to your account, if you don't already have one.

6. Provide proof of your innocence

Never be an idiot and try to blame Google or try to say that you had no idea what you did wrong. You need real evidence to get Google re-listed, not just an accusation or stupid behavior. Show them proof of your changes for Google to review.

Lastly, always be considerate and thank them for the time and effort they put into getting your site reviewed by Google and helping you resolve issues and unblock Google so your site can be re-listed and you can continue. receive your traffic to run your business, blog or news site.

7. Be patient - take your time

A Google representative may contact you and respond to your proposal to be re-listed on Google in a few weeks. They have many other things to do, and you should understand that you are not the only one who may have problems. While you wait, continue browsing your site and try to make sure any suspected violations are fixed and ready to go.

8. Email Your Site Again for Google to Reconsider

Be sure to send additional emails to Google to see how the request is progressing and if they know when the situation will be resolved. You don't need to send emails every day because it could be considered sabotage, but be sure to send a request email periodically until you get a response that you understand and can handle to resolve your Google ban issue.

All in all, this can all be a time-consuming and complicated process for your site to get your site back on Google, but with the proper preparation and information, you should be well on your way to their favor. However, it's all worth your effort, so just follow the steps above and Google will contact you and return your positions and your site to search.

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1 Response

  1. Евгений says:

    Good article. Thank you.

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