Semantic core for the site - how to compose and apply

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The semantic core of the site - how to compose?

Semantic core of the site, compilation and application for the best website promotion to the top. Search engines are a great source of new customers and interested visitors to your site. Daily looking for the necessary information, asking millions of questions.

But how to attract the largest number of users from organic search to the site? All that is required is to create interesting textual content that will be “read” by the PS and displayed during the search for relevant information. If you want the project to occupy the first lines of the issue, then it is important to correctly compose and use the semantic core for the resource. That is what we will do in this guide.

The content of the article:

What is a semantic core and why is it necessary?

What is the semantic core of the site?

The concept of the semantic core means a list of keywords determined by search engines. They use special formulas and indicators that show the information content of the article, which ultimately allows you to determine the place of the resource in the search results.

It should be understood that the collection of the semantic core is an extremely complex process that requires enough time and understanding of the structure. To get a decent result, keywords must be selected as a whole for the entire resource.
Knowing all the secrets of how to use the SL, you can generate a free flow of customers that will come from the PS. Be sure that the result will pay off the effort!

What methods to use to search for keywords

Today, there are several methods for collecting SA:

  1. auto;
  2. semi-automatic;
  3. manual.

Automatic and semi-automatic methods are represented by specialized sites, the algorithm of which determines the topic of the resource, which allows you to issue a list of keywords. Such services can find and analyze competitors' resources to get results.
Unfortunately, Yandex or Google SA cannot be assembled so easily. The presented list of keywords will not allow you to achieve a decent result, since such systems often give a false result. For this reason, it is necessary to do the work yourself.

The semantic core is collected using the Yandex.Wordstat and Google.Adwords services. Such resources provide information about the frequency of showing certain queries. This step allows you to get the "keys" that will bring the most visitors.

Collection of semantics for the site

Before we start collection of the semantic core, you need to clearly present the structure of the resource. For example, in the case of promoting the products of an online store, you should know the needs and wishes of customers so that the written articles clearly answer their questions.

It is also necessary to determine the "frequency" of the COP. If you choose promotion for those requests, the number of which is hundreds of thousands of units per month, then you will need to compete with other Internet resources. There is a very high chance that the desired results will not be achieved. Low-frequency requests are a great chance to get visitors guaranteed.

Collection of queries of the semantic core of the site.

Collecting the semantic core it is necessary to produce "from the general to the particular". Determine the phrases that most closely match the topic of the promoted article, and then add other near-thematic words. Remember that modern search engines have learned to determine the information content of an article, which affects the distribution of resources in the SERP according to the usefulness of their content.

Semantic core clustering

After compiling the list of CS, clustering of the semantic core is needed. It implies the division of search queries into several categories, in each of which certain queries will be promoted. In general, such a structure can be represented as a pyramid:

  1. Main page - general information about the company;
  2. Section on the services provided;
  3. Company blog;
  4. Separate articles about services or goods.

Distribution of requests and keys on the site.

Thus, the site and its content take on a structured look, which makes it easier for users and search engines to navigate through its content. It also helps to segment the writing of articles and get more useful and informative content.

Distribution of keys on the site

Previously, the main criterion that was useful for PS was the density of the COP. Today, algorithms have learned to identify such texts, so a number of requirements must be met.
In order for content to occupy the top lines of the issue, it is necessary to achieve the following indicators:

  • uniqueness - 95-100%;
  • the amount of water - up to 15%;
  • spamming of the COP - from 30 to 50%.

These indicators are determined by automatic services, so when checking the work of a copywriter or author, you need to carefully check them. Moreover, in the text it is recommended to use no more than three CS or phrases per thousand characters of the text.

If you want users to find the site by the maximum number of requests, then it is recommended to pay serious attention to SEO promotion. Try to add at least one article every few days to achieve maximum results. Remember that early clustering will help you greatly simplify this process, which will favorably affect the cost of effort and energy.


In general, SEO promotion is based on the competent creation of a semantic core for the site. Of course, the results of such procedures will appear only in the distant future - in one to three months. Do not expect PS to show the site on the first lines today.

Creating a thematic core of the site will always help you get an almost unlimited flow of free customers, and their cost will be much less than other advertising methods. If you are not confident in your abilities, then trust the professionals who are guaranteed to give the best result! I recommend that you also get acquainted with interesting material on the topic of linking pages of the site. The guide will help you distribute the weight between the pages of the site by linking the pages into a structure.

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