External website optimization - a success strategy

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External site optimization is a set of measures to promote the site.

When the internal optimization of the site is done correctly, it begins external site optimization. That is why it is necessary to work on external promotion. Which contributes to the most effective ranking of the project in search engines.

Seo optimizer can improve the position of the resource without interfering with the program code and internal content. In simple words, such search engine optimization of the site is based on working with backlinks, on building up the link mass. I draw your attention to the fact that excessive link building can negatively affect the position of the site in the search. Let's look at this topic in more detail.

The content of the article:

External website optimization - what is it?

External optimization is the reputation of the site.

Instructions for organizing external site optimization. A detailed guide describing all stages of optimization.
SEO promotion will lead to positive results only if you simultaneously work on creating high-quality content, comprehensive optimization and taking into account behavioral factors.

The focus is on the link mass, which is responsible for ranking the site. The authority of the resource for Google and Yandex search engines increases along with the number of referring sites.

You can compare site optimization with links with the list of used literature in author's books. Reviews, testimonials and additional materials in the list of sources used only inspire more confidence.

However, not all links are equally good. If the position of the referring resource is worse than that of the promoted project, such search engine optimization will do more harm than good.

Important indicators for effective website promotion

The more links leading to a site, the better.

External links to the site, to organize the most effective promotion of the site in search engines. Among the important indicators for Yandex, it is worth mentioning the IKS, and for Google - PR. The better this indicator, the higher the cost of the link. Experienced SEOs know that young sites do not need to buy the most expensive options in order to quickly break into the top. Let's look at the main types of such links:

  • anchors — They are represented by hyperlinks and are highlighted in the text, being its integral part. No less relevant are anchorless links that name the source or offer to read the page.
  • Thematic — Search engines every year become smarter and pickier in relation to sites. If you wrote an article about car tires, put a link to a car topic there, but an insert about children's toys or clothes is likely to lead to sanctions from Yandex and Google. There is no point in such actions also because of zero relevance. People who have clicked on an article about cars are unlikely to be interested in buying off-topic items.
  • Eternal and temporary  - Only permalinks deserve trust, as they appear along with text on a specific topic and look natural. Temporary leased links don't last long and rarely lead to permanent ranking improvements.

Competent optimization of the site with links adds the missing dynamic weight to the text content. As for anchors, they form the basis of resource ranking. There are no more sites in the TOP-10 of search results whose owners did not work on external optimization. Particular attention is paid to high-frequency and mid-frequency phrases.

Key methods of external website optimization

In detail - points of external SEO-optimization of the site.

Website optimization for search engines using social networks, directories, stock exchanges, blogs and other resources. Search engine optimization of the external type is performed by different methods, let's talk about the most relevant among them:

Social media

- One of the effective free methods of search engine optimization links is promotion through social networks. Vkontakte, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and other equally popular resources. It is necessary not only to register an account and create an appropriate widget, but also to regularly create interesting posts with direct links.

The more social networks, the better. It makes sense to complement the site with special Like and Repost buttons. The active use of behavioral factors will positively affect the rating of the resource. It is important to observe the regularity of filling communities and pages on social networks with useful relevant materials.

Useful Feature Articles

- By revealing hot topics on your site, you will surely be able to attract the attention of the public without much effort. You can write expert reviews of projects, films, series or new products, as people are especially interested in the opinion of experts. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, useful information can be obtained from other sites with an indication of the source.

Link exchanges

- One of the most controversial and complex methods. You can’t just buy a mountain of links and thoughtlessly squeeze them into the published text. This tool must be handled carefully and competently, possibly under the guidance of experts. Otherwise, sanctions, bans and blocking will be inevitable.

Search engines require natural promotion, which allows you to filter out low-quality sites and exclude them from the search results. When working with link exchanges, you should carefully monitor the actions of competitors so that the money spent on optimizing the site with links is not wasted.


— Webmasters who aspire to the top of the top search results and value authority need to work hard to be in the Yandex catalog ranking. Registration in hundreds of other equally important lists is completely free for webmasters. However, the process takes quite a long time. Experts recommend working only with white directories and avoiding automatic runs.


— Leaving comments on forum pages is simple and effective for business. Although this optimization method takes a lot of time, the result is worth the effort. For such labor-intensive work, webmasters often hire copywriters. Don't just post links to your site. It is important to delve into the topic, keep the conversation going and take the time to make the post thematic, interesting and useful for the reader. The probability of clicking on the link increases significantly.


To cope with the external optimization of the site, it is not necessary to resort to the help of masters in the field of SEO. It is enough to take the time and start implementing the step-by-step recommendation. It remains only to apply the acquired knowledge to promote your own site. Good luck!

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