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Links: what are they and why are they needed

Links are an important element of a web page. They allow users to navigate from one page to another and can also be used to improve search engine optimization (SEO). Hyperlinks can be internal (leading to other pages on the same site) or external (leading to other sites).

Internal links

Internal hyperlinks help improve site navigation and increase the time a user spends on the site. They can also be used to improve the structure of a site and distribute link juice between pages.

External links

External hyperlinks can be used to improve the site's reputation and increase its authority. However, you need to be careful when choosing external links, as low-quality links can negatively affect the site's ranking.

How to Use Links for SEO

Hyperlinks can be used to improve the search engine optimization of a site. For example, you can use keywords in link text to improve page rankings for those words. You can also use hyperlinks to distribute link juice between pages and improve site structure.

How to choose quality external hyperlinks

When choosing external links, it is necessary to take into account the reputation and authority of the source site. Hyperlinks from quality sites can boost your site's rankings, while links from low-quality sites can negatively impact your site's rankings.

Hyperlinks are an important element of a web page and can be used to improve the search engine optimization of a site. However, you need to be careful when choosing external links and use only quality links from authoritative sites.

Generally, there are three types of hyperlinks on web pages:

One of them is a hyperlink to an absolute URL

A URL (Uniform. Resource Locator) is a Uniform Resource Locator, which is simply the full path to a site or web page on the Internet.

The second is a hyperlink to a relative URL

For example, linking a paragraph of text or a heading on your own web page to other web pages on the same website.

The third type is a hyperlink of the same web page

The third type is called the hyperlink of the same web page, which is to use a hyperlink to a bookmark, usually use the character # plus a name to link to a specified location on the same page.

On web pages, hyperlinks in general text are all blue (of course, users can set other colors themselves), and there is an underline below the text.

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