External links

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External links: what is it?

External links are links that lead from your site to other sites. They can be helpful to your site visitors as they provide them with additional information and resources. However, it is important to remember that external links can also affect your site's SEO.

Why are inbound links important for SEO?

External links can help improve your site's ranking in search engines. When other sites link to your site, this may be interpreted by search engines as a sign that your site is an authoritative source of information. This can help improve your site's visibility in search results.

How to choose external links?

When choosing external links, it is important to consider the quality and relevance of the links. Links should be relevant to your site's content and provide useful information to visitors. In addition, it is important to choose links from reputable and reliable sources.

How to use external links?

External links can be used to provide additional information or resources to your site visitors. However, it is important not to overload the pages with a large number of external links. Instead, it is better to choose a few high-quality and relevant links.

What should be avoided when using external links?

The use of external links with low quality or irrelevant sources should be avoided. You should also avoid using too many external links on a single page, as this can distract visitors and detract from the user experience.

External links can be helpful to your website visitors and help improve your SEO. However, it is important to choose and use external links correctly to ensure maximum benefit for your site.

1. Links can improve a website's keyword rankings.
2. Links can increase the authority of web pages.

In SEO, an external link can greatly increase the value of a website's PR and increase the ranking of a website's keywords. This is because the search engine crawls the content of the web page through the external link and anchor text, which increases the performance of the external link. Increase website exposure and increase website authority. On the other hand, it increases website traffic.

Influence of external links

1. Relevance and anchor text

Relevance is the most important indicator of the quality of search results. When search engines first appeared, page and keyword relevancy scores were mostly based on page elements, i.e. page title, visible text, etc. In a sense, this is judged by what the page itself refers to. What you say about this page is the way it is.
Later, many webmasters used this behavior to cheat in order to get search traffic: once the user came to the site, the scammer didn't care about the user experience. The very method of looking at what was written on the page quickly proved unreliable, and search engines turned to what others had said, i.e. external links and anchor text, to gauge relevancy. The relevancy of inbound link content and anchor text becomes one of the most important factors in relevancy evaluation and ranking algorithms, especially inbound links from other websites.

2. Weight and trust

Links increase the authority of the linked page and the entire domain name and increase trust. The more external links, the higher the authority of the referring website itself, which means that the linked pages are trusted and respected by more people. Page weight and trust will also accumulate across the entire domain name. Weight is one of the very important ranking factors in search engines. The most important factor in the formation of weights are external links. If your website has links from very high authority websites, your website's authority will increase to a certain extent and rankings will help no matter what keywords the website is targeting.

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