Meta tags - meta tags relevance and use in practice

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Meta tags can have a larger impact on SEO.

Meta tags (meta tags) is one of the most important components of successful internal website optimization. Today we’ll talk specifically about meta tags, the relevance of their use and the rules for using them for successful optimization and promotion of a resource in search engines. Basically, meta tags are designed to provide structured metadata about a web page.

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Meta tag meta tags – what is it and what is its impact on promotion?

Meta tags are part of the HTML code.

Meta tag refers to additional (non-main) tags, the purpose of which is to contain information that other tags do not include. This information is specialized and intended for indexing by search engine bots.

Meta tags are included in the "header" of the page, but with standard viewing in the browser, they, of course, will not be displayed. However, such tags affect the weight of the page thoroughly. But there's nothing to be done - these are the realities.
More recently, SEOs “prayed” for description and keywords tags, which really greatly influenced the ranking of a page in search after indexing by search bots. Now things have changed a bit. But more about everything.

Keywords - how to correctly fill in keywords on the page

meta keywords.

Meta tag designed to list all keywords, which are contained on a particular page. The rule should be respected in this way - the inclusion of "left" keywords was prohibited by search engines after the increasing cases of "user deception".
In addition, it is not recommended to repeat keywords several times. This did not stop the webmasters - they began to litter the meta tag with keyword derivatives. Therefore, a little later, something happened to which everything was going - the search engines stopped taking into account the meta tag as a weighty argument when ranking.

Therefore, now you can use keywords, but with great care - any overabundance of keywords will be called spam and will lead to blocking the resource in the search.
The subject of a separate discussion is the length of the meta tag. Theoretically, it should be no more than 200 characters, but in practice, the best meta tags should fit in 20 characters.

Meta description tag - how to correctly fill in the description for a web page

meta description tag

What we see under the links when viewing the search results is the description. For some, this is a beautiful advertising description, for someone a “piece” of content taken out of context, for someone it is a careless listing of keywords. Which option is better? Naturally, the first. To achieve this result, you need to use the description meta tag. Properly written text inside the tags will influence the desire of users to follow the link.

There are no special requirements for writing descriptions - the mandatory occurrence of a keyword, conciseness, correspondence to the meaning of the page, specificity. You can use punctuation marks, you can put periods. For text to be readable, the maximum length of 160 characters or 25 words should not be exceeded.

The relevance of popular meta tags for 2022

Meta tags Title, Description, Keywords.

The "black" methods of promotion of many of our colleagues played a cruel joke with meta tags. If earlier the promotion of the resource was mainly based on their correct application, then soon the site owners had to reconsider their promotion methods.
In 2009, Google abandoned keywords - it is not forbidden to use it, but it will not affect the ranking result in any way. Description serves only as an advertising description of the page. Although earlier also played an important role in the promotion. However, Yandex is requesting a similar description even now.

Yandex is a little more loyal - after determining the match between keywords in keywords and keywords on the page, it supports the meta tag and takes it into account as an additional factor.
However, promotion specialists are in no hurry to abandon the once popular meta tags. Approaches and principles of work of search engines are changing all the time - and it is possible that the old principles of ranking will once again become relevant. Can you imagine how much work you have to do to get these meta tags on all new sites? Therefore, it is better to do everything in advance - good, there is no difficulty in this.

For 2021, both search engines have completely abandoned keywords, as well as Description. At the moment, the description of the page is generated by the search engine itself, depending on the given query. You can specify the script - it is not prohibited, the number of characters in the page description has also been increased. Now search engines accept page descriptions of 300 characters or more, which is about 40 words.
Additional meta tags: I also recommend paying attention to the geo.placename and geo.region meta tags. They help determine the region of the site to the Google search engine.

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