Site relinking

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Site relinking

Website relinking is the process of creating internal links between pages on your website. This helps improve site navigation and increase visitor time on your site.

Why is relinking necessary?

Linking helps search engines better understand the structure of your site and identify the most important pages. It also helps distribute link juice between pages and improve their search engine rankings.

How to do relinking?

There are a few rules to follow when creating a link. First, links must be relevant and useful to visitors. Secondly, do not abuse the number of links on one page. Third, use anchor text that accurately reflects the content of the link.

What is anchor text?

Anchor text is the visible link text that the user sees on the page. It should be informative and accurately reflect the content of the link. For example, if you are linking to an article about traveling to Italy, then the anchor text might be “Traveling to Italy”.

How to check the quality of linking?

To check the quality of links on your site, you can use special link analysis tools. They will allow you to see the number of internal links on each page and evaluate their relevance.

Website relinking is an important element of website optimization for search engines. It helps improve site navigation and increase visitor time. Follow simple rules and use special tools to analyze link quality.

Before your content can rank, it needs links. Google finds your posts and pages best when they are linked to from somewhere on the web. Internal links also link your content and give Google an idea of the structure of your site. They can establish a hierarchy on your site, allowing you to provide the most important pages and posts with more link value than other, less valuable pages. So using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO!

1. Efficiency

We all know that external links can increase a website's authority, which in turn contributes to higher rankings, so what is the role of internal links? The Importance of Backlinks, many SEO projects are actually exchanging and maintaining inbound links at a later stage, which also shows the importance of inbound links for site rankings. However, many SEOs consider external links as all site optimization, which is actually very wrong, because a reasonable placement of internal links, especially for large sites, a reasonable internal link placement strategy can also greatly improve the SEO effect of a site.

2. Speed up indexing

Proper optimization of a website's internal links for SEO, as well as interlinks between pages on a website, helps improve the efficiency of search engine crawling and indexing of the website, which contributes to the inclusion of the website in the index. For a page to be included, it must first be crawled by search engines. The trajectory of bypassing search robots is to move from one link to another. If you want crawlers to crawl better, you generally need to guide them through backlinks, but crawling internal pages requires good internal links.

3. Strengthening PR

Internal links also contribute to adding PR and average page authority on the site. Internal links are also considered "backward" by search engines, and pages with more internal links generally get higher PRs. Let's confirm with a simple example that a site with reasonable internal links is unlikely to need to exchange friendly links with any site, and the PR can reach 3 or more, so the PR of large sites is often higher. If the indexing situation for some article pages or PR broadcast is not ideal, we may deliberately make more internal links in the past, which can contribute to indexing and improve rankings.

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