How to Use Synonyms for Better Search Engine Rankings

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How to use synonyms for better rankings.If you want to improve your ranking in search results, synonyms is a great way to see the changes you need without spending too much time on SEO.

Well-written content by professional writers with naturally included keywords and synonyms for which you can expect significant results over the life of your website. Let's delve into this topic.

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What are keyword synonyms in SEO

What are keyword synonyms in SEO.Using keywords is critical to getting any content that the people you're targeting sees. Unfortunately, using one keyword too often is considered keyword overload. According to SEO Sydney, keyword stuffing is one of the most common on-page search engine optimization mistakes. Over-optimizing your text for certain search terms can lead to lower search rankings, meaning you won't get the traffic you expect.

This is where synonyms come in. Content that uses synonyms is more likely to rank higher than content without them, which can have a huge impact on inbound traffic to your site. This is because content full of synonyms is considered more complete, comprehensive, and more customer-friendly.

Even if you're not a professional editor, you can tell when a word is repeated too many times, right? If not, try reading the content out loud. If you find yourself using the same keyword in almost every sentence, it might be overused.

An important difference you should be aware of is the difference between keyword synonyms and LSI keywords. Unlike keyword synonyms (words or phrases that have the same meaning as a target keyword), LSI keywords are words associated with that target keyword. Think of it this way:

In an article on how to make tea, a synonym might be something like "how to make tea". On the other hand, the LSI keywords for this topic would be "how to make tea at home" or "how to make tea without a kettle".

Now that you understand the role synonyms play in your content, let's discuss the benefits they give you over your competitors.


Adding keyword synonyms to your content has many benefits, one of which is the ability to rank for multiple keywords. Google's algorithms look at content as a whole to determine how relevant it is to what people are searching for. The more fully your content discusses topics, the better Google will reward you with rankings.

Another benefit of including synonyms is that it allows you to stand out from the competition. How, you ask? Making your content more visible. Many companies don't do keyword and synonym research before creating content. This means that people who search Google for LSI synonyms and keywords fail to find entire areas of content, not the keywords the content is intended for. This is where the advantage of ranking for multiple keywords comes into play.

We all see suggestions at the bottom of Google search results pages. Now imagine if your content appeared in all or most of the suggested keywords and phrases. Your traffic, and therefore your potential customers, will be much higher than if you were just number one!

Wouldn't you like this to happen to you and not to your competitors?


While I believe that keyword synonyms are a necessary addition to any content that requires a Google vote, it's possible to go too far. I'm talking about the fact that there are so many possibilities for using synonyms that you even forget to focus on the keywords you really want your content to rank for. It doesn't happen very often, but it's a risk to be wary of.

If you're sure that using keyword synonyms works for you (and I hope it does), read on. The next section will explain some of the best ways to determine which synonyms are best to include in your content.

How to find synonyms for keywords

There are many ways to research keywords and their synonyms. Here are some of the best ones I have found:

  • Thesaurus
  • Schematic of a large scale integrated circuit
  • SEO Keyword Research Tools

I also recommend installing a browser extension called "Keywords everywhere". This allows you to see the search volume for each keyword found using the tools above.

How to use keyword synonyms

How to use synonyms.Now that we've discussed the pros and cons of keywords, let's take a look at how to use them in your content.

The most important aspect that I can't help but mention is the natural inclusion of your keywords.

Keywords and synonyms are critical to creating well-crafted posts, but if they aren't added naturally, you'll be penalized more than if you didn't add any keywords or synonyms at all.

So how do you embed keywords while keeping them natural?

The trick is to read aloud.

If you're reading something aloud and bumping into synonyms, chances are they won't look natural.

Another tip is to slowly start adding synonyms to see what works for your business and what doesn't. While synonyms are a great addition to most content, there are sometimes exceptions.

If your post topic has no synonyms, it probably doesn't make sense to impose synonyms. Just use your common sense and you are sure to get a ton of content that gets the ratings you want.

Final Thoughts

No matter how you currently use keywords in your content, you can't go wrong with optimization. However, it is important to always remember to stay natural. Nobody likes to read keyword-filled content, so the more customer-friendly your content is, the more search engines like Google will reward you.

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