Article structure

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The structure of an article is the foundation on which content is built, which holds the attention of readers and leads to the desired action. It is important to make sure that each element of the article works together to achieve a specific goal. In this section, we will look at how to properly structure an article so that it is readable, convenient, and easy to understand.

Title and subtitle

1. The headline and subheading (H2, H3) are the first elements the reader will see and they should be attractive and informative. The heading should describe the main topic of the article, and the subheadings should emphasize the main ideas that you will be discussing in the article.


2. The introduction is the section that grabs the reader's attention and keeps them reading. The introduction should be short and clear, and contain keywords related to the topic of the article.

Main part

3. The body is where you present the main information and expand on your ideas. In the main part of the article, you need to follow a logical sequence, starting with the most important aspects and moving to the less significant ones.


4. Validation is the section where you back up your ideas with facts, research, or examples. This helps to convince the reader of the correctness of your conclusions and build trust.


5. Conclusion is the section where you summarize and highlight the main points you discussed in the article. It is important to give the reader an understanding of what he got by reading your article.

call to action

6. Call to action is the last element of the article that prompts the reader to take action. You can invite the reader to subscribe to your blog, buy a product, or leave a comment. The main thing is that the call to action is direct and consistent with the topic of the article.

In addition to the basic elements of article structure, there are several other factors to consider. For example, the length of paragraphs should be optimal so as not to bore the reader. No more than 5-6 sentences in one paragraph are recommended. In addition, the article should be divided into several sections using subheadings (H2, H3) to improve its readability and visibility.

It is also worth considering that the article must be optimized for search engines. To do this, it is important to use keywords in the headings and in the text of the article, but not to go too far and not to abuse them. In addition, the text must be written qualitatively and competently, without errors and typos. It also increases the ranking of the article in the search results.

Finally, when structuring an article, it is important to keep your audience and the purpose of the article in mind. Readers should feel that the information in the article is directed specifically at them and solves their problems or questions. The purpose of the article should also be clear and understandable. So that readers know what to expect from it and how they will benefit.

As a result, a properly structured article will be able to attract the attention of readers and keep it throughout the article. It is important to keep in mind the key elements such as the title, introduction, body, confirmation, conclusion, and call to action. And also take into account recommendations on the length of paragraphs. Use of subheadings and text optimization for search engines.

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