Website traffic - examples to increase traffic

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Site traffic - how to increase traffic to the site.Site traffic – examples to increase traffic. Whether it's e-commerce or brick-and-mortar, increase website traffic is of decisive importance. The website is the face of the company and users can visit the website to learn more, build trust in the brand, and become actual or potential customers of the company.

But no matter how well built your site is, it won't help you attract more users if no one finds your site from the start. This article will teach you how to maximize website traffic. It is divided into the following topics:

The content of the article:

Why is more website traffic better?

By visiting a website, your potential customers can get to know your business and turn into real customers. Thus, website traffic is the driving force behind the growth of your business. This may help you:

  1. understand the marketing effect;
  2. collect information about users to make decisions;
  3. optimize SEO performance;
  4. Attract more leads and increase your customer acquisition rate.

However, to achieve these goals, the quality of the traffic is also critical. You should focus on improving the quality of your traffic and driving traffic to your website in the right way.

Free traffic vs. premium traffic

Purpose of website traffic - attract to your website those users who are most likely to be customers.
Website traffic helps improve the ranking of a website, which in turn generates more traffic.

But if your website traffic is increasing and your conversion rate is decreasing, it is low-quality traffic.

Free ways to increase website traffic

1. Optimize your Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile.The data shows that optimized Google Business Profiles get 7x more traffic than non-optimized ones. Also, don't forget to link your Google Business Profile to your website, this is a great way to drive traffic to your website.

Here are some of the benefits of Google Business Profiles:

  1. Free and easy;
  2. The ability to display your business page when consumers search on Google;
  3. Increase visibility on trading floors;
  4. A surge of traffic for websites and stores;
  5. Consumers have the opportunity to leave reviews and further increase your popularity;
  6. Consumers can directly interact with you in the listing.

Given these benefits, you should create and update your Google Business Page regularly.

2. Implement SEO on the page

SEO on the page.You can use multiple SEO strategies on every page of a website to improve your website rankings and drive more traffic. These strategies include writing high-quality content, optimizing meta descriptions, and more.

Meta Description is a text description under each title link in the search interface that tells the user what the link contains. Therefore, meta description optimization can attract more traffic.

3. Inclusion of the site in online directories

Another way to increase website traffic is to list it on free online directories and review sites. On such sites, your profile will contain a link to your site. Thus, actively updating these online directory sites can increase website traffic. In addition, review sites have a high authority on Google, which allows your company page to rank high in relevant search queries.

4. Build Backlinks

Backlinks are links that are created when external sites link to your site. Having websites from related industries link to your website will greatly increase your reach and provide quality traffic to your website.

Also, if Google finds other trusted sites linking to yours, Google's algorithm will increase your credibility and improve your site's ranking, which will also increase traffic.

5. Post content on social media

Content on social networks.Social platforms are one of the most popular free marketing tools and play a vital role in driving traffic to your website. You can use platforms such as VK, OK, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to promote your website in order to convert the followers of these platforms into visitors to your website.

6. Include tags (hashtags) in your content

Tags (hashtags) in content.Adding tags to posts that promote your website pages and blog posts can make you reach more users. The more people discover your content through hashtags, the more free traffic you will get to your website.

7. Use landing pages

Landing pages is a source of free traffic to your website. These pages often display specific content such as coupons, free guides, free trials, etc., or information that directs users to the next action or conversion.

Because landing pages are very specific, you can include very precise information on them to increase page views and conversions.

8. Use Long Tail Keywords

Although short keywords are searched more often, they are harder to rank for in search engines. Relatively speaking, using long keywords will allow you to rank higher in product and service queries, and higher rankings mean more traffic. Another reason to use long keywords is that as search engines and voice search capabilities have improved, people have begun to use more specific phrases to search the web. There are many free tools that can help you choose the right keywords, such as the free keyword tool WordStream.

9. Email Marketing

Sending regular email newsletters and promotional offers is a great way to keep in touch with your customers and a great way to drive traffic to your website. Include useful information and website links for your customers, such as recent blog posts or promotional coupons. But remember not to bombard your customers with emails or they will simply delete or even unsubscribe.

Also, be sure to choose your title carefully. The quality of the subject line directly affects whether customers open the email.

10. Guest blog

Guest blog - as a way to increase website traffic.By asking influencers in the industry to write blog posts for your website, or by inviting them to interview them and then organizing them into blog posts and posting them on your website, you can increase your organic search traffic and get your followers' attention on your website. Guest posts can convince site visitors that you are very active in the relevant field.
Alternatively, you can ask relevant people to mention your site in their comments or blog posts. This method is also free, but you need to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with the people involved.
You can also become a guest blogger, write blog posts for businesses in related industries and ask them to include a link to your website, ensuring your content is relevant and useful to their readers.

11. Participate in various online groups and events

You can participate online in various discussion groups and social platforms related to your industry. Things like commenting on blogs and social media posts, answering people's questions, participating in industry discussions, etc. The more you interact with the community, the more attention and traffic you get.

12. Learn from analytical reports

Google Analytics - analytical reports.Google Analytics is a free analytics tool and the information it provides can help your website get more traffic. You can set up links to track your marketing campaigns and regularly check your website's analytics, which can help you determine which strategies are working, which need improvement, and which shouldn't be spent too much time on.

Paid ways to increase website traffic

13. Google Ads

Using Google Ads allows your website (usually a landing page) to appear at the top of search results for certain keywords. When users search for these keywords, Google will consider all merchants bidding on those keywords, as well as the quality and relevance of their content, to comprehensively consider rankings.
Paid search results are displayed at the top of the search interface, which can increase website traffic. Plus, you only get paid when someone clicks through to your site.

14. Advertising on Google Maps

You can also choose your preferences on the Google Ads platform to have your business appear at the top of Google Maps search results. As with regular paid search ads, there will be an ad icon next to your listing to indicate that this is a paid search result.

15. Social media advertising

When using search ads, you pay to appear at the top of relevant search results; When using social media ads, you also pay to appear in relevant feeds. While both types of ads allow you to specify which users to show ads to, social media ads offer better audience targeting than search ads.

16. Display advertising

Display advertising are branded banners placed on the respective websites. If you're in the fitness equipment business, you can place display ads on your fitness equipment pages to drive traffic to your website.

17. Retargeting

Retargeting ads may appear on websites or social media. They are placed in front of people who have already visited your site once, so they are more likely to convert.

The above 17 free or paid strategies can help your website get more traffic.

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