Server Administration

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Server Administration

Server administration is the process of managing and maintaining servers. This includes software installation and configuration, security and data backup.

Why do you need server administration?

Server administration is necessary to ensure reliable and stable operation of servers. Without proper care, servers can become vulnerable to attacks and failures, which can lead to data loss and downtime.

What are the tasks of a server administrator?

The server administrator is responsible for installing and configuring the software, ensuring security and data backup. He is also responsible for monitoring server performance and troubleshooting.

What skills are needed to administer a server?

Server administration requires knowledge of computer science and information technology. The server administrator also needs to have experience with operating systems and network protocols.

What tools are used to administer the server?

Various tools are used to administer the server, such as server control panels, monitoring and diagnostic programs, and scripts for automating tasks.

Where can I get an education in server administration?

Server administration education can be obtained from universities and colleges that offer programs in computer science and information technology. There are also online courses and trainings on server administration.

Main tasks of a server administrator:

1. Responsible for the service of the company and the operation and maintenance of the website. 2. Regularly clears the service cache
3. Checks website responsiveness to ensure website security.
4. Responsible for monitoring and managing infrastructure and other business systems such as servers, storage and backup systems located in the group's IT jurisdiction.
5. Performance of works on maintenance of systems.
6. Management and maintenance of corporate servers and related equipment.
7. Coordination Management of IT vendors, maintaining reliable network Servers Storage devices.
8. General types of server deployment, operation and maintenance, daily checking of servers for correct operation.

Additional branches

Operation and maintenance is divided into many branches and categories: Linux system operation and maintenance, cloud computing operation and maintenance, big data operation and maintenance, application operation and maintenance, desktop computer operation and maintenance, idc data center operation and maintenance, and so on. Different areas have different skill requirements, the threshold is still quite different, and the interpretation is also different. Of course, many simple operation and maintenance tasks are gradually being replaced by automated tools, so the choice is very important.

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