Selling text - what is it and how to write?

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Selling text - an advertising block that motivates users to buy.How to write a sales textHow to write a sales text? Today we will talk about selling texts, as well as how to format them correctly to ensure effective sales. It is pointless to talk about what a selling text is - everything is clear from the name. Another thing is that such texts are sometimes underestimated, considering them not very effective means. However, let's take a look and

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Selling text - what is it

What is a sales text and its purpose.

  • What is on TV commercials? Selling text.
  • What motivates the buyer in flyers? Selling text.
  • What do you read on the website of an online store before purchasing a product? Yes, yes, you understood correctly. Selling text

Brief digression

Selling texts lately, they have been greatly standardized and disfigured - thanks to the "advisers" that have bred on the network, who teach children and housewives how to write texts in half an hour. They know only one AIDA model, which they try to put into each of their creations.

Although sales texts a priori do not have standards, this is the same as forcing salespeople to mumble the same words throughout the entire shift. Remember the implementers of the notorious vacuum cleaners with their phrases memorized from a piece of paper. Annoyed? That's the same. Apply rewriting to increase the uniqueness of your texts.

Thinking and writing - how to write sales texts

This is all to the fact that, since you are going to sell a product through text, if you please, study the product itself and its audience. Imagine yourself as a seller, and then as a buyer. What do you say to a person to make him want to reach for his wallet? And you, the buyer, why are you interested in this product?
If fantasy does not help, go to extreme measures - try at least a couple of hours to sell this product in reality (if possible, of course). That's when you learn what your buyer NEED - then sit down at the keyboard. Before that, sucking thoughts out of your finger will be useless - no HADES and other "effective" technologies will help.

We hide flaws

Any product has a drawback - physical and psychological (high price). How can we sell in this situation? Fortunately, there is a feature of human psychology - to turn a blind eye to shortcomings, if there are obvious advantages.

So let's try:

  • We convince the buyer that there is no shortage. No, and that's all - we are silent, bothering our heads with a description of the advantages, we offer to test and see for ourselves. The method is not always effective - it suits the masters of the word, whose texts are read in one breath. It is important not to make mistakes (so that the reader does not stop and change his mind), and also not to provide such texts in Word format - words with underlined errors will also get you out of the right mood.
  • We turn a disadvantage into a clear advantage. We call the nauseating pink color of the laptop case the latest trend and list the names of the stars who bought laptops of the same color. We say that every self-respecting modern lady should have not a standard gray mini-computer, but a laptop that distinguishes her from the faceless mass. Well, in the same vein. By the way, a program for remote computer control here can help a lot.
  • We acknowledge the shortcoming. We openly tell the buyer: “Yes, the laptop is discontinued. But on the other hand, this is a unique representative of the “golden series” of the company, which was specially developed for NATO specialists. This is a limited edition and you have the opportunity to own one of the last pieces made for American officers…”

And another secret

We don’t smear sugary speeches about the merits of the product on the page (you won’t surprise anyone with this), but ... we argue with the seller, taking the side of the buyer. This works well in the interview genre. You ask the manufacturer a question that probably worries a real buyer. "Yeah, he's on my side" - flashes through the head of the reader of the selling text. The seller at this time gives a reasoned, competent, polite and absolutely complete answer, which debunks all the doubts lurking in the soul of the buyer. 4-5 questions - and the client is in your pocket. However, create unique articles (by writing SEO content), increase the readability of your texts, do not plagiarize and copy-paste. The best version of the text is your own.

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2 Responses

  1. Евгений says:

    This, it seems to me, is most likely suitable for service sites or online stores, right?
    Interesting guide, thank you.

    • Николай Алексеев says:

      Yes, you are right, but it can also be useful for information sites in some situations.

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