Rewriting or rewriting text - definitions and usage errors

How to properly rewrite text? What is rewriting, rewriting and machine rewriting? Rewriting is a method of uniqueizing text. Greetings, dear readers, we continue the series of articles for the "Content" section. I assume that you have already read one of the articles on the topic of copywriting. Based on the logical chain, I should move on.
The next concepts that I will talk about will be “Rewriting and rewriting”, do not confuse with “Plagiarism and copy-paste”. We will also touch upon such important points as errors when applying rewriting to articles. Rewriting can be completely different, both a manual method of uniqueizing an article and a machine method. The only thing that needs to be noted is the impact of these two methods on the site. For a better understanding of the topic covered, learn how to increase the text uniqueness score. Now let's see how these methods differ. Let's start with standard definitions.
The content of the article:
Wright what is it? Necessary concepts and definitions for manual and machine rewriting
In an era of progress and huge competition in social niches, for example, in search engines. Rewriting can be said to take second place in terms of use, after of course copywriting. The reason lies in the very large amount of unique material, which, accordingly, cannot be republished. Here a very tricky method of change comes to the rescue, or rather uniqueization text as a rewrite.
Therefore, this method is so popular among webmasters and not only. Since it is the only solution to the problem associated with a unique material. Thus helping the author to achieve the goal, leveling positions with a specific competitor. While not breaking the law.
Rewriting manual and machine
Both methods are aimed at rewriting a unique article with a new unique article. At the same time, while maintaining the overall semantic orientation without distorting the true meaning. The manual method implies editing the material, changing the structure and key queries.
For example, an article is synonymized and sometimes these two different methods are combined. Machine rewriting - carried out by a program or service in automatic mode with the specified parameters. The purpose of this method is to speed up the time and facilitate the tasks of the webmaster. However, this method also has its drawbacks.
Possible errors when using
Anyone who decides to use this method to convert an article. Must be aware that the slightest inaccurate actions can lead to errors. And adversely affect the issuance of finished material.
Possible mistakes:
- Loss of semantic component.
- Coincidence of the designs of two articles at the output.
- Repetition of the same keywords. Without changing them to similar in meaning, for example, to synonyms.
- Machine method, can spoil the article.
Also, when using machine rewriting, it is possible to spam requests in the article. Or, for example, a dead text, reading which will make it clear that the material was created by a robot.
These are the most common mistakes that can be made when uniqueizing the required article. Which can lead to problems on the part of search engines. Accordingly, adversely affecting the authority of the site.
Text rewriting - uniqueization of an already existing unique article to obtain new material.
I won't describe any new clues. All this has been known for a long time and is standard when using these methods. Therefore, I will be brief.
When applying rewriting to an article, you should follow simple rules:
- Swap headings and paragraphs. This also applies to offers. This will allow you to create a new article design.
- You should not repeat the headlines of a competitor, you should at least minimally change them to those that are similar in meaning and request.
- Change the structure of the sentence (number of words, stop words).
- Apply a complex synonymize to an article. Use synonyms for basic keywords.
These are the simplest rules to follow when rewriting an article. If you use the machine method, be sure to check the article for dead words and sentences. Dead words and sentences are not natural text that can be machine generated.
- Marusya bought a cheesecake in the store. (natural text)
- Marusya bought a cheesecake in the store. (not natural dead text)
Based on the example, you can clearly see what exactly can happen to your article. If you use the machine method of rewriting. Therefore, always check the output of all material.
Now you know these techniques and their competent application. I think it's better to use the manual method of editing the article. This is how you can properly organize the structure and preserve the meaning of the text.
After all, a machine cannot feel, convey emotions, etc. And when a person writes himself, he still enlivens the text and understands how it will be perceived by the guests of the site, etc. Stay tuned for updates in this section, there will be new interesting articles!) I wish you health and success.
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