What is a low-value or low-demand page?

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Low-value or low-demand pages - what is it?

Low value or low demand page - now such a status can be observed in the panel Yandex.Webmaster often. Updating the status of pages in the webmaster is associated with a new algorithm - "YATI". Which includes a more detailed analysis of the content of the document, using neural networks.

The algorithm takes into account the influence of words that were previously ignored, as well as behavioral factors, little searched queries, and so on. To eliminate the influence of third-party filters, check out the Baden-beden text filter and the AGS filter. These guides will give you an idea of what's happening on the site. Perhaps the problem lies elsewhere.

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Low-value or low-demand page - what is it?

This status tells the webmaster that there is one of two problems on the page with this status.

1. The page is of little value and does not fully reveal its topic. Such a page may be a dummy that does not carry any useful information to the user. The text on the page may contain a large amount of "water" text that does not reveal the topic. Such pages may contain a minimum of text and no images. A user going to a website for a search query wants to get the necessary information, but is faced with meaningless content on the page. As a result, he leaves the website, while the bounce rate on the site will increase in Yandex.Metrica.

2. Low demand page - can have good quality text. But, the topic of the content of the page is of little interest to anyone. That is, there are no queries from users on this topic in the search engine. Requests for such pages have zero frequency, in simple words (no one is interested). However, if in the future users begin to show interest in the topic of a similar page. The search robot will bypass it again and add it to the search results. Here is some summary from Yandex:

Low-value or low-demand description from Yandex. Low value or low demand page.

Low-value or low-demand pages - description from Yandex 2.

Why can a page be considered of low value?

  • The content partially or completely duplicates another page of the website. Very often, this applies to online stores. In general, duplication of content has a very bad effect on the position of the site. Search engines take this very seriously.
  • Dynamic content rendered using js scripts.
  • Poor meta tags, titles, etc.
  • Videos and content are rendered via an iframe.
  • There is very little or no text on the page, the information is presented as an image.

It is still difficult for a search robot to understand what you have in the picture. Its main task is to analyze the text of the document, search for matches, analyze the entire page from the header to the footer. All available menu blocks, sitebar, etc. are checked. Next, the robot compares with other pages of your website for duplicates.

Low value page - how to solve the problem?

  1. Working with the Robots.txt file — close technical pages, existing duplicates from the search bot using the “noindex” tag.
  2. Specify the canonical url rel="canonical" or Clean-param in robots.txt. This method will help the bot understand which page is the priority (main). Especially useful for product cards in online stores.
  3. After following the above recommendations, you should check the meta data on your pages. All meta tags and titles on each page must be different. For example: pagination pages in WordPress duplicate the title and description of the main page. In a specific case, the problem is solved using the Yoast SEO plugin in the section (display in search results). You just need to add "Short Code" (short page code) to the title and description. Thus, for each title and description on the pagination pages, a page number will be assigned.
  4. Comments and reviews on the page are a great solution to solve the problem of duplicates, add more uniqueness to the page. The search robot willingly bypasses pages that have (comments and reviews), this is a very good indicator that the page is in demand among users.

Why might a page be in low demand?

  • The main reason is that the topic described on the page is of no interest to anyone. Perhaps not expanded enough.
  • Using Metrica, analyze the transitions to this page. If there are no transitions, you can immediately conclude that the page is not popular and is not being watched. It is obvious why search engines need pages that no one needs. This is an unnecessary use of system resources.
  • You can also check the frequency of requests for which you are promoting the page. This can be checked using Yandex.WordStat, most likely, the request rate will be zero.

Low-demanded page - how to solve the problem?

  1. Analyze the content of the page, make a list of search queries for which you are promoting it.
  2. Check these requests using Yandex.WordStat, you are interested in the frequency of the request.
  3. After you have identified search queries with zero frequency, you need to rewrite your text. Change the occurrence of requests (dummy) to more frequent requests. In this case, Yandex search with highlighting of the most popular synonyms on your topic will also help you. Use them when working on your page, this will make it more popular in the eyes of the search bot.

What should young sites do?

  1. For young sites, it is completely normal that at the beginning there may be complaints about this parameter, but later they will stop. (provided that the content on the site is useful and of high quality, and the website is well optimized)
  2. Work out the structure of your website, make high-quality pre-linking between pages, work out all the titles and descriptions on the pages.
  3. Avoid duplicates and non-unique content, even if your article consists of many passages from other sources, this does not mean that it is not in demand.
  4. Close everything unnecessary on your site from search bots.
  5. Links from social networks will be an excellent signal. networks. This is a signal to the search bot that the page is cited and in demand.

To summarize:

Don't cost so much, worry about status"Low value or low demand page". This is not a limitation of your website, I do not impose a filter on you and do not ban you. This is a hint from the search engine about what needs to be improved on your website. If a search bot decides that the page is in demand and valuable the next time it is crawled, it will immediately include it in the search results.

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1 Response

  1. Евгений says:

    Faced already with a similar situation, thanks at least you have answers. Others ka, then under a carbon copy or something they write. Helped.

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