
How to secure your site? Use methods and secure the resource as much as possible.

How to secure a site? Website Security Guide

Site security or how to protect the site? Some hacks happen for completely ridiculous reasons: untimely updates, weak passwords, etc. In this essential website security guide, I'll show you...

SSL and Https - site security.

2 ways - to ensure the security of your site

Website Security (SSL/HTTPS) – Cybersecurity tops the list of Internet concerns for both website owners and users. In recent years, large-scale data breaches affecting major banks, retail chains...

Google Penguin is a search engine algorithm that eliminates web spam.

Google Penguin - What is a Penguin? Complete guide

In the last article we reviewed the Google Panda algorithm, it's time to get acquainted with the Google Penguin or Google Penguin filter. To some extent, both of these algorithms are similar, and even complement each other ...

What is Yandex AGS, AGS Filter, AGS 17, AGS 30.

AGS - Yandex search engine filter

In past articles, we have already talked about Google Panda, Penguin, Penalty, Sandboxing, Banned, and about a website ban in SERP. It's time to touch on the ACS - the filter of the Yandex search engine. This relay...

Google blocking - 50 reasons why your site can be blocked.

Blocking a site on Google - 50 possible reasons

Blocking a site in Google and blocking in Adsense is primarily an event aimed at improving the quality of search. Google wants to give its users access to accurate information, unique content...