How to write articles?

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how to write articles - the man behind the loptop is typing.How to write articles? Writing a structured and informative article is not an easy task. However, with the right approach and practice, anyone can learn to write articles that are useful to readers. In this article, we'll look at all the elements of article structure, techniques and guidelines for writing, and tips for reviewing and improving articles. Let's start!

The content of the article:

Idea development: Determination of goals and target audienceidea man - idea development

  1. Determination of goalsA: Defining goals is a key element in developing an idea. Goals can range from providing information to selling a product. It is important to determine what you want to achieve with your idea in order to determine the direction for further development.
  2. The target audience: The target audience is the group of people you are trying to reach with your idea. They can be defined by age, gender, place of residence, interests, etc. Understanding your target audience will help you make decisions about the content, style, and language that will be most effective in achieving your goals.
  3. StudyA: Based on the goals and target audience, it is important to do research to make sure that the idea is not only important, but also attractive to the target audience. The research may include analysis of the market, competitors and surveys of the target audience. This will help to better understand the needs and desires of the target audience, which will improve the idea and make it attractive to them.

Article Writing: Techniques and Recommendations

man behind a laptop - prints. Article writingArticle writing is a skill that can be applied in various fields, including journalism, academic and business writing. The skill of writing articles requires the use of the right techniques and techniques that will help improve the quality of the text and increase its expressiveness.

To help you get started, below are some techniques and guidelines for writing articles. They include aspects such as the organization of the text, the use of expressive elements and working with sources of information. Applying these techniques and guidelines will help you write a useful and expressive article.

Organization of the text: General plan and sections

  1. Overall planA: Creating an outline for an article is the first step in organizing text. The plan should contain the topics you plan to cover and the order in which you plan to cover them. This will help you stay on course and ensure that topics are covered.
  2. Sections: Dividing the text into sections, such as an introduction, main body, and conclusion, will help improve the organization of the text. The introduction should provide a brief introduction to the topic you plan to cover, and the main body should cover the topic in depth. The conclusion should summarize all important topics and provide general conclusions. Dividing the text into sections will help the reader understand and understand your idea more easily, as he can easily find the information he needs and understand the structure of your article. Also, division into sections can improve readability and reader engagement, which in turn increases the likelihood of successfully fulfilling the purpose of the article. Although dividing the text into sections is an important element in organizing the text, it is important not to forget that high-quality and meaningful content should be a priority.

Using Expressive Elements: Illustrations, Analogies and Examples

Illustrations: Illustrations are pictures, graphs, charts, or other visual elements that are used to help explain or demonstrate ideas. They can improve the comprehension of the text, enhance the emotional effect and make complex topics easier to understand. It is important that the illustrations are relevant and well-executed so that they really help and not distract.Illustrations are pictures, graphs, diagrams. Picture of a man.

Analogies: Analogies are comparisons of two different things to help understand or explain an idea. They can help readers visualize the idea or concept you are trying to convey. It is important to choose the right analogy so that it is understandable and relevant to your audience.comparison of the size of fish - analogies in the article.

Examples: Examples are real or fictional scenarios, stories or situations that are used to demonstrate ideas or concepts. They can make ideas more realistic and memorable for the audience. It's important to choose examples that are understandable and relevant to your audience, and provide enough detail to help your audience understand your idea.An example from life is the essence of life self-expression.

Article Structure: Key Elements

To write an article, it is important to properly organize its structure. Here are a few key elements to consider:

  1. Define the elements that should be included in the structure of the article.
  2. Organize them in a logical order, keeping in mind the needs of the audience and the purpose of the article.
  3. Describe each element of the structure with examples or details.
  4. Use subheadings and bold text to make your text clear and easy to read.
  5. Make sure the structure is clear and easy for readers to get to the specific ideas and information in the article.

Start of the article: Captivating title and intro

header: Highlight the essence of the article and engage readers with a headline that should be short and clear.

    1. Determining the purpose of the article: Before you start writing a title, you need to understand what problem you want to solve with this article.
    2. Definition of the target audience: consider who you are writing an article for and what language will be understandable and attractive for them.
    3. Formulation of the topic: analyze the essence of the article and highlight the main idea that you want to convey. This will help formulate the topic of the article and write a title that is clear and understandable.
    4. Brevity and clarity: The title should be short and clear in order to engage readers and let them know what awaits them in the article.
    5. Use of keywords: Use keywords to improve your article's visibility in search engines.

Introduction: Here you can briefly introduce the topic of the article and explain why it is important. This is an important element of the article, which helps to interest the reader and establish a connection between him and the topic of the article. You can ask questions to help engage readers or provide a brief overview of what you will be covering in the article. It is important that the introduction is short and clear to keep the reader's attention.

You can also specify the purpose of the article in the introduction section. It could be a description of a problem you want to solve, or a presentation of information about something new and interesting. You can also describe the way you plan to explore the topic and indicate what key findings you expect. The general purpose of the introduction is to interest the reader and give him an understanding of what he can expect from the article.

Formatting the main part of the article: visual elements, subheadings and examples

Main body of the article: This is the main section where you expand on the topic. To do this, you can divide the topic into several logical parts and consider each of them separately. This will help you make the text easy to read and understand, as well as allow your readers to easily and quickly find the information they are interested in. When designing the main part of the article, it is important to use subheadings to make the text more visual and easy to read.

You can also use numbers, graphs, and other visual elements in this section to make your findings and ideas more accessible to readers. It is important that you pay enough attention to the design of this section so that it is readable and attractive to readers. Use examples and sources to support and complement your ideas and conclusions. The purpose of this section is to provide readers with accurate information and validated conclusions based on scientific data and other sources.

Instructions for compiling the main part of the article:

  1. Topic definition: Determine what the main part of the article will be about. This will help you set the purpose of the article and select the right sources of information.
  2. Research: Start by researching the topic and researching relevant sources of information. Save important and useful facts and ideas.
  3. Information organization: organize the received information into a logical structure. This may include creating lists, tables, or charts.
  4. Writing: Start writing the body of the article by choosing entry and exit points for each idea. Use subheadings to separate different sections and ideas.
  5. Visual Elements: Add visual elements such as images, tables, graphs, or quotes to highlight important ideas and improve the readability of the article. Make sure all visual elements are relevant to the topic of the article and support your thesis.
  6. proofreading: After completing writing, check the text for errors and inaccuracies. Make sure all ideas are presented clearly and logically.
  7. Summarizing: End the body of the article with a summary or conclusion. Summarize the main ideas and highlight important considerations. Suggest recommendations or solutions to the problem, if applicable.

The final part of the article

“Conclusion” is an important element of the article, which helps the reader to understand the main conclusions and recommendations made in the text. In this part of the article, you should collect all your ideas and thoughts presented in the “Main Part” and draw logical conclusions from them. This may include general guidelines or practical advice on how to use the information provided in the article.

It is important to remember that the “Conclusion” should be short and to the point. Do not introduce new ideas or topics, but concentrate on what was said in the text. This will help the reader easily and quickly understand the main ideas of the article and remember them.


This is a list of materials from which you obtained information for your article. This may include books, articles, websites, documents, etc. It's important to cite sources because it helps readers verify the information you've used and learn more about the topic. In addition, it commends your article and shows that you have carried out a reasonable research process. When citing sources, it is important to follow a specific format, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago, to show a serious approach to writing an article.

Organize your article structure in a logical and understandable way for readers so they can easily understand your idea and keep their attention.

How to write articles correctly: Mistakes and corrections

Mistakes: Mistakes in the writing of an article can affect its readability and perception by the audience. These can be spelling, punctuation, syntax errors, etc. Even small errors can lead to misunderstandings or confusion among readers. Therefore, it is important to check your work several times before publishing.

Adjustments: Corrections are important to correct errors and improve the readability of the article. This may include correcting spelling or punctuation errors, improving the structure or clarity of ideas, adding illustrations or examples. Feel free to ask for feedback or use the spelling and grammar checker tools to improve your article. Also, it can be helpful to check the article from another person's point of view to make sure your ideas are clear and understandable. Ultimately, your goal is to create a well-written article that readers will enjoy and absorb without difficulty.

Checking Grammar and Spelling: Tools and Techniques

  1. Using Software Tools: There are many software tools that you can use to automatically check grammar and spelling. These tools include built-in checks in text editors, online services, and browser plugins. They can make the verification process more efficient and convenient.
  2. Manual checkA: Manual checking is another important way to check grammar and spelling. This includes reading text up and down and using reference materials such as dictionaries and grammar rules. Manual checking can help identify errors that may be missed by software tools.
  3. Requesting Feedback: Asking for feedback from other people can also be an important tool when checking grammar and spelling. By turning to another person, you can get an independent view of the text and learn about any errors that may not be noticed. This can be especially helpful if the person providing the feedback has experience or knowledge of grammar and spelling.

Feedback and improvement: How to learn how to write articles

  • Feedback: One way to improve your writing skills is to get feedback from others. It could be a comment from an editor, a reader's rating, or even criticism from friends or family. This feedback will help you understand how you can improve your writing skills.
  • Practice: Another factor that will help you learn how to write articles is practice. The more you write, the more you can improve your skills. Try to write every day or at least regularly to improve your writing skills.
  • Study and ReadingA: To learn how to write articles, it is also important to research the topic and read other articles in the field. This will help you learn more about the topic and find new article ideas. In addition, you can also improve your writing style by studying the work of other authors. It is important to understand that learning how to write articles is an ongoing process, and in order to maintain and improve skills, you need to constantly work on it.

Checking the uniqueness and SEO analysis of the text

seo process - article analysisChecking the uniqueness and SEO analysis of the text is an important step in the process of writing an article. Using special tools, you can check the uniqueness of the text and find out how well it is optimized for search engines. This will help you avoid repeating information and improve your article's visibility in search engines.


  1. The uniqueness of the text is one of the most important criteria for the quality of the article. When you write unique text, you show the reader that you understand the topic and are ready to offer something new. Unique text also helps boost your search engine rankings.
  2. To check the uniqueness of the text, you can use special online tools such as Copyscape or SmallSEOTools, Textovod, These tools check the text for duplicates or too close matches with other - uniqueness check
  3. In addition to checking the uniqueness, it is also important to conduct an SEO analysis of the text. This will help you determine if the text complies with certain search engine optimization rules, such as the correct use of keywords, the optimal number of headings, the correct content size, etc. It is important to take care of SEO analysis as it will help your article rank better in search results and attract more readers. Online tools like Ahrefs or Moz can help you do SEO text website - analysis tools

The specific percentage of text uniqueness that an article should have depends on various factors, such as the target audience, the purpose of the article, and client requirements. Typically, an acceptable percentage of uniqueness is between 70% and 85%. However, for some search engines, such as Google, the desired percentage of uniqueness should be higher - more than 95%.

If you want to guarantee a high level of uniqueness in your text, it is important to use original ideas, facts and approaches. This will help you avoid repetition and increase the uniqueness of your text.

is an important factor that affects the success of your article and its ranking in search engines. Therefore, regardless of the target audience or purpose of the article, it is important to pay enough attention to the uniqueness of the text in order to get the desired results. Although there are special tools for checking the uniqueness of the text, it is important to use your skills and knowledge to create high-quality and original text.

Water content

"Water content of the text" is an indicator that determines the number of unnecessary or little significant parts of the text. High water content of the text can impair its readability and cause discomfort to the reader, which may ultimately reduce his interest in the article.

To avoid high water content of the text, you should reduce the number of unnecessary phrases and paragraphs, as well as use a more concise and clear presentation of ideas. You can also use visual elements such as illustrations and diagrams to communicate your thoughts more effectively and clearly.

Ultimately, the low water content of the text is an important factor that increases the readability and attractiveness of the text, improves its understanding and increases the reader's interest in it. Clean and clear text, without unnecessary or unimportant parts, allows the reader to focus on the essence of ideas and better perceive them. Therefore, when writing a text, you should pay attention to its water content and do everything possible to keep it low.

Note: In certain cases, some wateriness of the text may be acceptable and even useful. For example, scientific articles or technical papers require a detailed description of processes or technologies, which may include necessary but less significant details.

Usually, the allowable percentage of water in the text is considered to be no higher than 20-30%. This means that up to 70-80% text should be important and meaningful thoughts and ideas. However, this is not a hard and fast rule and depends on the specific situation and purpose of the text. The main thing is that the text is readable and understandable for the target audience.

Text spamming

Text spamming is an indicator that determines the amount of spam or unnecessary words in the text. High text spamming can cause the text to be considered unreliable or inauthentic and can affect page rankings in search engines.

The acceptable percentage of text spamming varies depending on the context and purpose of using the text. It is generally considered that the acceptable spam percentage should be less than 1-2%. This means that the text must contain at least 98-99% of unique and useful content.

To reduce text spamming, you should check the text using special spam detection tools. Techniques can also be used, such as removing unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences, improving the clarity and legibility of text, and using precise and unique keywords. It is important to use text that is useful to readers and pay attention to the quality of the content in order to increase the credibility and value of the text.

It is important to note that text spamming is not the only factor affecting page ranking in search engines. Other aspects need to be taken into account, such as the uniqueness and quality of the content, presentation of information, usability, and other factors. Search Engine Optimization is essential to improve the visibility and performance of a website, and to provide a better user experience. But it's important not to lose sight of the balance between search engine optimization and human-centric content. An ideal site should combine both technical optimization and attractive and useful content for users.

Text optimization for search engines is an element of online strategy. This will help increase the visibility of the site, improve the user experience and lead to higher conversions. However, it is important to pay attention not only to technical aspects, but also to the quality and convenience of the content in order to achieve the best results.


Let's sum up the recommendations for writing articles. Feedback, practice, and research are the three elements that will help you improve your writing skills. If you stick to these guidelines and constantly develop your skills, then you will be able to write in-demand articles that will be interesting to readers. Continuous improvement in article writing is an element of a successful career in any field.

This guide will help you write an article:

  1. Research the topic: Before writing an article, do research on the topic and get detailed information.
  2. Determine the target audience: determine who you are writing an article for and prepare it accordingly.
  3. Develop a deep structure: Define the structure of the article so that you can easily organize the information and present it clearly and easily.
  4. Write an H1 Headline: Create a captivating headline to grab readers' attention.
  5. Use clear and simple language: Use simple and clear language to be understandable to all readers.
  6. Remove unnecessary words and phrases: leave only the necessary information to improve the clarity and readability of the article.
  7. Use examples and illustrations: Include examples and illustrations to make information accessible and understandable to readers.
  8. Styling: Use typography to enhance the visual appearance of an article, such as headings, lists, images, and more.
  9. Check and Edit: Check the article for spelling, grammar, and logic, and edit where necessary to improve the quality of the article.

To write an article, you need to: conduct research on the topic; define the target audience; develop a structure; create an H1 heading; use clear and simple language; remove redundant information; use real life examples.


Q: What is idea development and why is it important for writing articles?

A: Idea development is the process of defining the topic and goals of an article. This is the first step, which helps to focus on the goals and needs of the target audience, as well as to make the article focused and useful.

Q: How to define the target audience?

A: Use research tools and methods such as competitor analysis, audience surveys, keyword research, etc. to determine your target audience. It is important to understand who your readers are, what their interests and needs are, and how you can help them solve problems or achieve their goals.

Q: How to start writing an article?

A: Start by creating an outline or outline for the article that will cover the ideas you want to include. Then start expanding the outline according to the requirements of the topic and target audience, adding details and specific examples.

Q: How to write a captivating headline?

A: The title should be short, but informative, and keep readers interested. Use hook words including numbers, questions, promises, etc. But at the same time, do not forget that the title should reflect the essence of the article and be relevant to its topic.

Q: What structure should an article have?

A: The article should have a clear and logical structure, including an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should interest readers and give them an idea of the topic of the article. The main part should develop the topic and provide detailed information. The conclusion should summarize and give readers an idea of what they can do based on the information provided in the article. It is also important to break up the text into paragraphs, use headings for each section, and include graphics, photos, or videos to make the article attractive and easy to read.

Q: How to choose the key elements of an article?

A: The choice of key elements of the article depends on the goals and topic of the article, as well as on the target audience. Some elements that can be included include: sample stories, statistics, links to sources, definitions of terms, guidelines and advice, instructions, etc. It is also important to choose elements that can be useful to the audience and that will help achieve the goals.

Q: What mistakes are often made when writing articles?

A: Some of the common mistakes in article writing include the use of repeated words or phrases, incorrect punctuation, incorrect word choice, grammatical errors, and under or over use of evidence and examples.

Q: What correction methods can help eliminate errors in an article?

A: There are many correction methods that can help identify and correct errors in an article. These methods may include checking grammar and spelling, using software to check uniqueness and keywords, reading the article aloud to identify incorrect phrases or sentences, and asking other people to read the article and provide feedback.

Q: What is text uniqueness and why is it important for SEO?

A: Text uniqueness is a measure of how different the content of an article is from other articles on the same topic. This is important for SEO because search engines use text uniqueness to determine if a page is relevant to user queries. If the text of the article is unique, then the chances that it will rank in search engines increase.

Q: How can I check the uniqueness of the article text?

A: There are many online tools that allow you to check the uniqueness of the text of an article, such as Advego Plagiatus,, Plagiarism Checker, etc. In addition, you can use the Google search function to see if there is similar content on other sites.

Q: What is SEO text analysis and how can it help optimize an article for search engines?

A: SEO text analysis is the process of checking an article for relevance to keywords, structure, links, and other factors that may affect its ranking in search engines. With the help of SEO analysis, you can determine which keywords and phrases you need to include in the text. And also what headings to use, how to place links, etc. As a result, the article will be optimized for search engines, which can lead to increased traffic and ranking in search results.

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