How to make a website

Popular WordPress questions and answers.

4 Common WordPress Questions and Answers

Popular WordPress questions and answers. The WordPress CMS (content management system) platform has been around for almost fourteen years and is currently one of the best platforms for websites....

Creation of a corporate website - planning the creation of a website.

Planning a plan for creating a corporate site

Planning Your Corporate Website Plan - Why are more and more companies placing importance on website building? Today, most companies have realized the importance of creating websites in marketing and have begun to plan their...

Corporate website design - principles and requirements.

Requirements and principles of corporate website design

Corporate website design is a powerful tool to attract potential customers to the company's product or services. The design of a corporate website affects the retention of the audience, as well as various marketing indicators. Let's explore this...

Your steps before launching the website.

What should you do before launching your site?

What should you do before launching your website? We know that for any website creation tutorial, in the process of creating a website, we will detail each process of creating a website with...

Creating a Redirect - How to make a redirect in WordPress.

How to redirect in WordPress

Greetings, friends! Today I will talk about creating redirects (redirects) in WordPress. 301 redirect is used when it is necessary to redirect the user or crawler from one URL to another...

How to Make Robots.txt for WordPress - Creating the Right Robots.txt

How to make robots.txt for wordpress

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how to make robots.txt for WordPress. Creating a robots.txt file is necessary first of all to indicate to search engine robots which sections of your site the robot can bypass...

Create a sitemap yourself HTML, XML and using plugins.

How to Create an XML and HTML Sitemap - Creating a Sitemap

How to create a sitemap? This question is asked by many novice web masters. Actually creating an XML and HTML sitemap is very easy. The main thing is to understand the architecture of the structure and navigation of your site well....

How to add a Yandex Metrica counter to a WordPress site.

How to add Yandex Metrica to a WordPress site

Adding a Yandex Metrica counter to a WordPress site is not difficult. Adding a counter takes a minimum of time, especially if you are well versed in the site admin panel and its files. I decided to write...

How to delete comments in WordPress - guide.

How to Delete Unwanted Comments in WordPress

Hi all! In this guide, I will show you how to delete and edit comments in WordPress. This information will be useful to those who want to delete unwanted comments or change existing ones for whatever reason....

How to recover Wordpress admin password - step by step guide.

How to recover wordpress admin panel password

How to restore login to WordPress admin panel. Hello everyone. If you are unable to log in to the WordPress admin panel! No problem, there is a solution. In this guide, I will detail several...