Noindex Nofollow using meta tags to optimize your site

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nofollow and noindex - Close the link from indexing. We use Noindex Nofollow for optimization
noindex nofollow use for optimization. We close official information from prying eyes. Today we will talk about using the noindex tag and the nofollow attribute for high-quality resource optimization. Subject to the competent use of these tags, it is possible to ensure a well-thought-out promotion of the site pages. Therefore, we will consider for what purpose they should be used.

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Using the noindex tag on pages and robots.txt

noindex meta tag.

The name speaks for itself - the tag blocks the indexing of a certain section of the html code on the page or the entire page. Saying the word "blocks" it should be said that the bot will not take into account only the text - pictures and links will be indexed.

The tag is intended for use only in the Yandex search engine - Google search bots do not perceive it.
Block or automatically remove noindex and some engines - many people know that WordPress automatically removes it from the code. However, the problem is solved by using SEO plugins. In its normal form, the tag hides information between the opening and closing tags from indexing.

You can also use it as a meta tag, as already mentioned - for this it is written in robots.txt.
However, do not rush to relax - it happens that, despite the effect of the tag, the information is still indexed by Yandex bots. At least until recently, this was the algorithm of their action: they initially read the entire page, and only after that they “screened out” everything that was closed with tags. So over time, the indexed information will disappear from the search.

What is noindex for?

Initially, the tag was developed to hide pieces of code that are unnecessary for the search engine. Therefore, the tag is especially effective for prohibiting the indexing of mailing codes, counters, subscription forms, and advertising banners. Sometimes - to block the indexing of copy-paste or obscene expressions in the content. But - once again - you can’t hide links from search bots in this way.

nofollow attribute - hide links

nofollow tag.

But with the help of this attribute, you can hide links. And the best part is that Google and Yandex systems work equally well with it - by the way, the latter has recently started working with the attribute.
.The main purpose of the attribute is to reduce the weight of the reference mass. Who does not know - the weight of the link indicates its value in the optimization and promotion of the site.

Search engines still take this indicator seriously when ranking sites. That is, more preference is given to a resource that addresses as many external (from other resources) quality links as possible.
rel nofollow attribute will block indexing of the link and will not pass its weight to the addressed site. But, by the way, it is inefficient, if not useless, to block the indexing of internal links on the site.

What is nofollow for?

If links from your resource lead to unreliable sites (unreliable according to search engines, of course) or to resources that are insignificant for you (non-thematic, advertising, and the like), it would be wise to reduce their weight.
If a page on your site is already full of links, you will need to apply the attribute whenever new links appear. If you do not want to transfer the weight of links to sites with a large ICS, also use nofollow. But the measure is important in everything - an excess of links, as well as their lack, will reduce the level of trust of search engines. Therefore, 2-3 links per page is the golden mean. These are important optimization steps without which the site simply will not get into the top SERP.

Tag and attribute sharing (noindex nofollow)

It is allowed, and even recommended, to use noindex and nofollow together. They work great as a couple. Although their effectiveness is limited - in this case, both search engines will not "see" the link. At the same time, the anchor of the link will be hidden from Yandex bots, which is not always relevant. So if you do not want to do double work - you can limit yourself to nofollow.

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