What is the effect of a long tail keyword?

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What is the effect of a long tail keyword in SEO?Everyone involved in SEO mentions long tail keywords and the keyword long tail effect. What are long tail keywords and what is the effect of a long tail keyword? How to mine long tail keywords? How to use them correctly? How long tail keywords work for

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Long tail keyword effect

Effect of long tail keywords in traffic.

(1) What are long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are keywords with a relatively small search volume and a large number of words, usually phrases, short sentences, and questions of 3-5 words or more. These are usually terms that users are looking for exactly.

Long tail keywords capture user searches most often and usually have a high conversion rate. For example, when searching for portable power station and 110V/80W portable power station, the flow of 110V/80W portable power station is small, but the conversion rate is fast because it is an accurate search.

(2) Long tail keyword effect

1. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat - no matter how small the traffic, the word has traffic.

A mistake we often make in SEO is that we only focus on those keywords with relatively high traffic, thinking that those long tail keywords that have no traffic or relatively low traffic even though they ranked first, will not have any traffic.

Better don't do it. Is it really? The number of long-tail keywords we've thrown into the corner is far greater than the number of traffic keywords. If there is no traffic, then why do they appear before your eyes? If they appear in front of your eyes, this means that someone must look for them.

Even if there are only 10 people searching, these long-tail keywords match high-fidelity customers. If you are in first place, then these 10 exact customers are yours. 100 long tail keywords rank first, so you need 1,000 exact leads?

2. The ranking of long tail keywords affects the ranking of other keywords.

We know that long tail keywords rank better due to less competition, meaning when one of your pages ranks high, other keywords on your page will also rank higher to a certain extent. The main domain will get a higher ranking. If the main domain ranks higher, then other pages rank higher as well.

How to find long tail keywords

(1) Google search

Enter our target keywords in a search engine like Google and you will see automatic recommendations in the search box and related recommendations at the bottom of the search results, both of which will recommend some long tail keywords.

(2) Search on trading platforms

Searching our target keywords on Amazon will recommend other related keywords that users frequently search for in the search box. The keywords of this trading platform are closely related to conversions and are very valuable.

(3) Request Keyword Tool

Enter our target keywords on Semrush and ahrefs and check their recommendations. Those words with low competition and low traffic are mostly long tail keywords.

3. How to post and promote long tail keywords

(1) Create high-quality content for such words.

After we uncover long tail keywords, we must combine our business terms to select long tail keywords that are better suited for content creation and create content in accordance with high quality content creation standards.

What are the standards for creating quality content?

What are the standards for creating quality content?1. The first paragraph of content matches the user's search query.

The first paragraph of the page is the key to lower bounce rate. This is also the key to understanding Google's theme of the page. The content of the first paragraph corresponds to the search intent of the user, except that the keyword is at the beginning of the first paragraph, and the second is the degree of correspondence between the content of the first paragraph and the search intent of the user.

  1. Do not place images larger than one screen without text on the first screen of the page.
  2. The first paragraph of the page first displays solutions to problems related to the user's search intent, and then details the solutions.

2. The content of the page is exhaustive and the number of words is sufficient

Google has a lower quality score for pages with no text or pages with little content. Therefore, the content of our page should be as rich as possible, and the content of the topic should be as complete as possible: for example, a page on how to bake bread, then within this topic, one can try to fully present the materials, machines, etc. steps, precautions, etc.

Brian's team calculated the number of words on the first page of the Google rankings: an average of 1447 characters, so our page is best suited for this number of words in order to compete with others for rankings.

  1. Using Brian's skyscraper technique.
  2. Keep updating old content instead of creating new content that repeats the theme.

3. The content of the main text and relevance to the topic

The theme of the page is determined by a group of keywords, and the content of the page is written according to the theme. The content of our main body should be closely related to the topic. Whatever our main heading is, then the sub heading is the sub content under that main heading and it can't deviate too much.

So to determine how closely the content of a page's text and topic match, check the title of the page's text to find out one or two, and then read the entire article. If the page text and subject do not match, first change the page title and subtitle, and then expand the title content.

4. Variety of page elements

The variety of page elements means that in addition to text, there are other elements on the page, such as infographics, tables, pictures, videos, etc.

These elements can improve the quality of the page as well as browsing time and user experience, user dwell time and low bounce rate will make Google think it is a high quality page. The combination of images and texts is the main feature of quality articles.

Q: Will too many elements on a page affect page loading speed?

Too many elements on the page will have some effect on loading speed, but we can optimize the size of these elements. As long as the optimization is good, there will be no serious problems.

5. No typos or grammatical errors

The page has grammatical errors and typos. This is a table of low-quality pages. Google indexing and ranking of low-quality pages is very low, and the value of user confidence in a page with grammar and typos will also be greatly reduced. Therefore, we must avoid typos and grammatical errors on the page.

6. Content structure is clear

The structure of the first level heading, second level heading and third level heading of the main content should be set in order for Google and real users to understand the page.

  • The body text title should be an H1 tag.
  • The title of the second level of the text containing our target keyword should be an H2 tag
  • Relevant keywords containing our target keyword, third level text title should be an H3 tag.

(1) Tag and other words in the keyword group.

How to check the keywords: look at the code on the page, search for H1, H2, H3 to see the relevant titles.

(2) Create external links for pages with long keywords.

After we create high quality pages for long tail keywords, we need to create more high quality backlinks for that page in order to increase the weight of that page and increase its rankings.

What is a quality backlink?

Quality backlink - what is it?

  1. External links from authoritative domain names and authoritative pages;
  2. natural links;
    1. Do not advertise or exchange links.
    2. This is not a large number of external links in a short period of time, which will easily be regarded by Google as cheating.
    3. Multiple exactly matching anchor texts do not point to the same page, which will easily be seen as a scam by Google.
    4. This is not a link from an irrelevant page.
  3. Anchor text related to the subject of the link to the page, fully or partially matching the keyword;
  4. Link type: nofollow/dofollow, only dofollow can pass weight, nofollow can bring recommended traffic.
  5. The position of the link on the page, the closer to the top of the page, the higher the weight of the link, the most important link is placed in the first paragraph. If there is an article review, you can include important links in the review so that our links also appear on the first page of the article list.
  6. External links from pages related to the industry.
  7. External links from different new domain names. A domain name has 10 external links, it is better to have 10 domain names, each domain name has 1 external link.
  8. Diversity of the outer circuit. Variety of forms, variety of anchor text, variety of resources.

The role of long tail keywords in SEO

1. Reduce competition

Long tail keywords are specific to our business and market, so search volumes are low. For such low traffic keywords, few competitors are willing to put the time and effort into it.

This way, we are unlikely to need too much effort to rank for long tail target keywords, do a good job of optimizing the page content, and then creating an external chain, we can quickly rank foreground keywords.

2. Higher conversion rates

Long tail keywords is the embodiment of the user's search goal. By studying long keywords and understanding user search intents, we can create high-quality content for those search intents and embed our conversion bait into the content so that customers easily enter our conversion funnel.

3. Long Tail Can Help Us Optimize Semantic, Conversational and Voice Search

Long tail keywords are part of voice search. Now Google places a lot of importance on voice search, and users' voice search is usually a paragraph or question that matches long-tail keywords. It will continue to be the home of mobile search in the future.

There may be more and more voice search on the mobile side. So a good job on long tail keyword layout can improve our mobile rankings.

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