What is the difference between sem and seo?

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Difference between SEM and SEOWhat is the difference between SEM and SEO? This question is trite, so to give you a better understanding, I will split it into several parts to explain in detail:

The content of the article:

First, what is SEO

SEO Search Engine Optimization SEO Search engine optimization is a method of marketing in search engines. The main goal is to use search engine rules to improve the natural ranking of a website in the relevant search engines, thereby increasing the chances of transactions with goods on the website.

Second, what is SEM

SEM is bidding and promotion in search engines, as well as a method of marketing in search engines. Businesses can effectively use search engines for enterprise marketing and brand building. Associating relevant advertising content of products, services and other related advertising content with keywords on the Google/Yandex search engine platform for promotion.

It is a pay-per-effect network promotion method that uses keywords as a referral trigger for display and a very precise advertising channel.

Thirdly, what is the difference between SEM and SEO?

1. The principle of ranking is different

  1. SEO: Achieve good natural ranking through website optimization and optimize website content, structure, code, external links, etc. to make the website more valuable to users in the Google ecosystem. Thereby improving the ranking in natural search and increasing website traffic.
  2. SEM: traffic acquisition by Google/Yandex payment (including information flow, green platform, etc.), ranking display related to ad account keyword bid, match mode, quality (industry popularity, account, etc.) .) etc. The first one is labor based and the other one is cost based.

2. Potential netizens have different experiences

  1. SEO: Ranking is related to the degree of compliance between a website and the search engine's own ranking rules (i.e. crawlers), and the experience of potential web users is not the same.
  2. SEM: Ranking is related to quality, bid, etc. In the pursuit of conversion, there is usually a lot of focus on the exact experience of finding potential web users.

3. Various flexibility

  1. SEO: it takes a certain time to accumulate, and the effect is not immediately visible, often the keywords do not change within half a year after the chosen keywords, and the direction of receiving traffic is difficult to set up.
  2. SEM: This method is more flexible, paid promotion can get a good ranking and display faster, and thousands of keywords can be promoted at the same time.

4. Various stability

  1. SEO: You don't have to worry about the cost, because no matter how long the SEO optimization score is displayed and how many times you click, you don't have to pay for it. However, according to different practices, the stability is different, the white SEO stability is the strongest, and the black stability may disappear after a few days.
  2. SEM: If the account budget is sufficient and the rating is stable, if the account budget is not enough, the rating will disappear immediately. Overall: SEM is more stable.

Fourth, how to choose between them?

In fact, SEM and SEO are methods of promoting search engine platforms. The direct means is to increase exposure by improving search rankings, thereby achieving stability. SEM is simple and crude, and direct advertising can improve rankings immediately, while SEO methods usually take months, so let's see how to choose between them.

1) Duration of the buying cycle

If your product/service buying cycle is relatively short for some seasonal products, you can choose SEM to get started quickly and convert quickly. If the buying cycle is long, SEO can be chosen, and the customer acquisition effect will be effective for a long time.

2) Investment budget for promotion

  1. If the budget is small, you can choose SEO, because there is no cost per click, and the cost of a whole year is much cheaper than SEM.
  2. If the budget is high, you can choose SEM or choose both SEO and SEM.

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