Neural networks

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Neural networks: what is it?

Neural networks are mathematical models that mimic how the brain works. They are used to solve complex problems such as pattern recognition and natural language processing.

How do neural networks work?

Neural networks are made up of many interconnected nodes called neurons. Each neuron receives input and processes it with a mathematical function. It then passes the result to the output or the next layer of neurons.

Neural networks are mathematical models that mimic how the brain works. They are used to solve complex problems such as pattern recognition and natural language processing.

Structure of neural networks

Neural networks are made up of many interconnected nodes called neurons. Each neuron receives input and processes it with a mathematical function. It then passes the result to the output or the next layer of neurons.

neuron activation

When a neuron receives input, it calculates the sum of the weighted inputs and adds a bias to it. It then applies an activation function to that sum to get the output.

An example of a neural network

Let's consider an example of the work of a neural network on the task of recognizing handwritten digits. An image of a figure is fed to the input of the neural network. The neural network processes it and gives the probabilities that each of the ten digits is in the image.

The use of neural networks

Neural networks are used in many areas including computer vision, natural language processing, and time series forecasting. They are also used in games and recommender systems.

computer vision

One of the applications of neural networks is computer vision. Neural networks are used for pattern recognition, object detection, and image segmentation.

natural language processing

Neural networks are also used in the field of natural language processing. They allow computers to understand and generate natural language text.

Time series forecasting

Neural networks can be used for time series forecasting. They allow you to predict the future values of a time series based on its historical data.


Neural networks are also used in games. They allow you to create smarter and more realistic opponents for the players.

Recommender systems

Neural networks are used in recommender systems to offer the user goods or services that may be of interest to him.

Training of neural networks

In order for a neural network to perform its task, it must be trained. Training consists in selecting the optimal parameters of the model using special algorithms.

Types of neural networks

There are many types of neural networks, including convolutional, recurrent, and deep neural networks. Each type has its own characteristics and is used to solve certain problems.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks are mainly used for image processing. They consist of several convolutional and pooling layers that allow you to extract important features from the image.

Recurrent neural networks

Recurrent neural networks are used to process sequences of data such as text or time series. They have feedbacks that allow them to take into account the previous values of the input data when calculating the output signal.

Deep Neural Networks

Deep neural networks are neural networks with a large number of hidden layers. They are used to solve complex problems such as pattern recognition and natural language processing.

Direct propagation networks

Feedforward networks are the simplest type of neural networks. They consist of input, hidden and output layers and are used to solve simple classification and regression problems.


Autoencoders are a type of neural network that is used to compress data. They consist of two parts: an encoder, which compresses the input data, and a decoder, which restores the original data from the compressed representation.

The future of neural networks

Neural networks continue to evolve and find new applications. They play an important role in the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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