Neural networks: in simple words about complex technology

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What are neural networks - the robot thinks over numbersNeural networks are the exciting technologies of our time. Who are trained on incredible amounts of data and use this knowledge to solve complex problems in demanded areas. Every year, interest in neural networks is growing, and the possibilities they provide are becoming impressive.

In this article, we will look at what neural networks are, how they work, and what tasks they solve. We will also discuss the use of neural networks in areas ranging from pattern recognition to natural language processing, and look at how AWS helps in the use of neural networks. If you want to learn more about how neural networks are changing our world, then read the article to the end.

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What is a neural network?

Neural networks - definition - brain in neural networks

Neural network is a complex mathematical model that emulates the work of neurons in the human brain and is able to process data that was previously inaccessible to computers. Each neuron connected in the network processes the input signals and passes them on. Usually, a neural network consists of three layers: input, hidden and output. The input layer receives data that is fed to the input of the neural network. Hidden layers process this data and pass it to the output layer, which gives the result of the network.

To process data, a neural network uses mathematical operations and learning methods. Each neuron has its own weight, which is adjusted during the learning process. Data is fed to the input of the network, which then passes through the layers and is processed by neurons. During processing, the data goes through mathematical operations, where the weights of each neuron are determined and adjusted using training methods. After the data has passed through the layers, the result of the neural network is obtained.

Neural networks find applications in machine vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. Thanks to the ability to process large amounts of data, neural networks find hidden patterns and solve complex problems that are inaccessible to computers.

Why are neural networks needed?

Application of neural networks in medicine - girl doctor

The use of neural networks is becoming popular. They are used in fields such as medicine, finance, manufacturing and technology. For example, neural networks are used to analyze medical data, predict market trends, control manufacturing processes, speech and image recognition, and other tasks.

The demand for neural networks in machine learning and artificial intelligence is that they allow a computer to learn from data and produce results that are even better than those obtained from a person. For example, neural networks learn from an impressive amount of data, which allows them to find patterns and make predictions based on that information. In addition, they adapt to changing conditions and improve performance over time.

Neural networks solve problems that were traditionally solved only with the help of human intelligence, but are now solved automatically. Increasing the productivity and accuracy of work in industries and improve people's quality of life.

Neural network architecture

Neural network architecture example

Neural network architecture is the structure and organization of elements that consist of interconnected neurons. Neurons are grouped into layers that sequentially process input data and generate output results. The organization of layers varies depending on the specific task, their number and type of activation functions can also vary.

Activation function is a non-linear transformation that is applied to the sum of the weighted inputs of each neuron. Activation functions can be of the following types, such as sigmoidal, hyperbolic tangents or ReLU. The choice of the activation function depends on the task and properties of the input data.

Weighted sum and bias (bias) are the elements used in each neuron to process input signals and generate an output result. The input signals are multiplied by the appropriate weights, after which the summation takes place. Then a bias (bias) is added to the sum, and the result is passed to the activation function. The weighted sum and bias (bias) regulate the contribution of each neuron to the formation of output results and are the basis for training the neural network.

Neural network operation

The operation of a neural network is based on two processes - forward propagation and back propagation of an error (backpropagation). The forward propagation process begins with input data that is fed to the input layer of the network. Then the data passes through the hidden layers, where their values are processed using activation functions, and finally, the data gets to the output layer, where the answer is obtained.

Backpropagation is a process that allows the network to adjust the weights to reduce the error. In this case, errors in the output layer propagate back through the hidden layers, and each neuron adjusts the weight in accordance with the contribution to the total error.

Optimization methods are used to improve the performance of the neural network. The first of these methods is gradient descent, which minimizes the loss function. Regularization methods are also used, which help prevent overfitting of the network, and weight initialization methods, which start training the network with the desired weight values.

Types of Neural Networks

There are types of neural networks, each of which is aimed at solving a given problem.

  • The first common type is Fully Connected Neural Networks (FFNs). In which each neuron in one layer is connected to neurons in the next layer.
  • Another type is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which process images using filters to extract features.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) operate on sequential data such as audio signals or texts.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are used to generate new data that extracts realistically.
  • Autoencoders are used to reduce data dimension and compress information.
  • There are also special networks for sound and text processing. For example, recurrent neural networks with long short-term memory (LSTM) for working with speech data and recurrent networks with GRU cells for word processing.

Each type of neural network has advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of a particular type depends on the task at hand. Therefore, in order to achieve results, it is important to carefully study the features of each type and choose the right one for a particular task.

Training of neural networks

Training of neural networks is the process of learning a computer based on a set of data. Which allows him to recognize and classify information. There are three types of neural network training: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement.

  • Supervised learning is a common type of learning for neural networks. In this case, for each input value there is a corresponding output value. The model is trained on input-output pairs until it can correctly classify new data.
  • Unlike supervised learning, unsupervised learning does not have an exact output. Instead, the neural network looks for general patterns in the data in order to classify it. This type is used in clustering, associative analysis, and dimensionality reduction problems.
  • Reinforcement learning is the training of a neural network based on a reward or penalty. In this type, the neural network makes decisions based on the current state. Then she receives a reward or a penalty, depending on how cool she coped with the task. An example of such training would be the control of a robot.

The problems of overfitting and underfitting are the main problems in training neural networks. Overfitting occurs when a neural network tunes up on training data and does not generalize to new data. Underfitting occurs when a neural network is not properly tuned to the training data and does not generalize to new data. These problems are solved by using regularization techniques. For example, adding random noise to the data or reducing the number of free parameters in the model.

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Deep Learning is a section of machine learning that is designed to create models that can solve complex problems in the field of pattern recognition, natural language processing, computer vision, and voice control. Such training uses artificial neural networks with a large number of hidden layers to automatically extract features from the data. This allows the models to achieve full accuracy in tasks. Where, for example, traditional machine learning methods show reduced accuracy.

Deep learning finds application in areas such as medicine, finance, advertising, art.

  • In medicine, training is used to diagnose diseases, analyze medical images. And also for processing large volumes of medical data.
  • In finance, it is used for market analysis, stock price forecasting, and processing loan applications.
  • In advertising, it is used to personalize advertising campaigns and define strategies.

To implement such training, libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch are used.

  • TensorFlow is a library from Google for building and training artificial neural networks.
  • PyTorch is an open source library from Facebook. Which provides the potential for creating and training neural networks.

Both libraries provide tools for model building, learning management, and results analysis. They also have a user community and learning resources.

Application of neural networks

Application - infographic

Neural networks find application in vast areas due to the ability to recognize and process data. A common example would be pattern recognition and classifications. Which is used in medicine for diagnosing diseases, in the automotive industry for recognizing objects on the road, and in other areas.

Another area where neural networks are showing impressive performance is sound and speech processing. Neural networks are used for speech recognition and audio-to-text conversion. All this makes them useful in demanding tasks, from transcribing speech to creating voice assistants and devices for people with hearing impairments.

Another example of the application of neural networks is word processing and natural language. Neural networks are used for automatic translation, classification and summarization of texts. And also for analyzing the tone of texts, which is useful for tracking brand reputation on social networks and other platforms.

Image and video processing is another area where neural networks are widely used. Neural networks are used to recognize objects in images, determine boundaries and textures. And also to create filters and effects in real time. In video production, neural networks are used to create special effects and animations.

Finally, robotics and factory automation are areas where neural networks are finding more use. Neural networks are used to train robots and create autonomous systems. All this allows them to perform complex tasks such as object recognition, navigation and manipulator control. In addition, neural networks are used to optimize production and control production processes, which reduces time and costs.

AWS and Neural Networks

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud platform that provides services for storing, processing and analyzing data, including deep learning services. The AWS cloud architecture allows developers and researchers to quickly build, deploy, and scale neural network training resources.

AWS provides deep learning services including Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Elastic Inference, and Amazon EC2.

  • Amazon SageMaker is a managed machine learning service that provides tools for training, tuning, debugging, and deploying neural networks.
  • Amazon Elastic Inference is a service that accelerates neural network training using GPU inference without having to purchase your own GPUs.
  • Amazon EC2 is the computing resources in the cloud that are used to train neural networks.

To run and configure neural network training instances on AWS, you choose an instance type, operating system, and software. The choice of instance type depends on the required performance and availability of resources. The operating system and software are chosen depending on the requirements of the application and training of neural networks.

Practical use cases for learning services on AWS include speech recognition, image classification, and text analysis. For example:

  • Amazon Rekognition is a service that recognizes objects, faces, and text in images and videos.
  • Amazon Comprehend is a text analysis service that extracts key phrases, topics, and entities from texts.
  • AWS provides a library, TensorFlow, which is used to develop and train custom machine learning models.


Neural networks are tools in the field of machine learning and are used in areas such as image processing, speech recognition, word processing. Neural networks can be trained both with and without a teacher, as well as with the help of reinforcement learning. Training problems remain overtraining and undertraining.

Deep learning is a type of neural network training. In which the training of multilayer architectures takes place. It solves complex problems and is used in areas such as sound and speech processing, text and natural language processing, as well as in robotics and factory automation.

In addition, services such as AWS, TensorFlow, and PyTorch are on the market. Such services can launch and configure instances for training neural networks. These services also provide practical examples of deep learning applications in popular areas.

In the future, neural networks will continue to evolve and find new applications in the fields. The development of deep learning technologies will contribute to the creation of demanded systems. As well as the acceleration and automation of processes in industries and public life.


Q: What is a neural network?

A neural network is a computer model that mimics how neurons work in the human brain. It consists of many interconnected artificial neurons that process input and generate output.

What are neural networks used for?

Neural networks are used to solve the following problems, for example: pattern recognition; data classification; sound and speech processing; text and natural language processing; image and video processing; robotics and automation of production.

How does neural network training work?

Neural networks are trained by submitting a data set to the input and adjusting the weights of neurons in the process of working with this data. The goal of training is to achieve a minimum of errors in working with data.

What programming languages are used to work with neural networks?

To work with neural networks, the following programming languages are used, for example: Python, Java, C ++, Matlab and others.

Q: How does AWS help with neural networks?

AWS provides services for working with neural networks, including: Amazon SageMaker, AWS Deep Learning AMIs, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Polly. These services can launch and configure instances for training neural networks, and use ready-made models for data processing.

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