What experience is needed to optimize a website?

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What experience is needed to optimize the site?Only after a long period of optimization work can we understand some truths. To have a good ranking, companies will try almost all optimization methods. But if you can't learn from experience and identify problems, you won't make progress if you keep going. So what experiences can improve website optimization?

The content of the article:

1. Choose the right keywords

It can be said that there are only a few words in the industry that you can type in to find the content you want, and the same is what customers are looking for. Many companies make the mistake of optimizing their site, that is, choosing a word to edit an article. Regardless of whether the word has a certain search volume, whether it is related to their industry or product, it is simply spelled according to a temporary idea. Most of the articles obtained in this way have no potential for optimization, and even if they can be included in the index, there may not be customers looking for them. Because the choice of accurate and effective words is the basis of optimization, and this is also experience:

1. Ask yourself

Are the keywords relevant to your website content? When search queries use these keywords, will users on your site find the answers they need? Will they be satisfied with what they find? Is this traffic or visitor? Can they benefit us or order?

2. Analysis of competition by keywords, analysis of the complexity of keywords

We enter the desired keywords into the main search engine and then check the results returned by the search engine. On the main page, we look at how many paid ads are on the results page. Generally speaking, the more paid advertising, the greater the value of keywords, and the conversion rate of keywords is also high. Optimizing such keywords is also more difficult, which is why many people opt for the paid advertising method to get some rankings.

3. Check your keyword conversion rate

If our keywords have not yet been ranked in the search engines, we can rank our keywords through paid advertising, and in the background bidding select the exact traffic methods. We will see it in 200-300 clicks. Keyword conversion rate level, thus narrowing down the meaning of the keywords.

4. Using the collected data, determine the exact meaning of each keyword

For example, let's say your search ad generates 5,000 impressions per day, 100 visitors visit your site, and 3 customers close. The value of this keyword is 3%/5000. We select keywords to select high conversion rate keywords, not high volume keywords.

2. Quality articles

The use of keywords is mainly in the article, and the optimization of the site is mainly based on the article. Quality articles are an important criterion for attracting search engines to crawl and index, basically, while optimization is in progress, you need to use a large number of articles.

The accumulation of articles is easy to find for customers. The quality of articles is a prerequisite for consideration by businesses. Experience shows that this is not the best way to select a collection or pseudo-original. Perhaps at first glance this is visible to some unfamiliar customers, but using such articles to increase rankings is more difficult. Search engines have their own set of methods for evaluating articles, whether they are collections or pseudo-originals, they can be identified. The lower the initial share of the site, the worse the effect of optimization, and it is useless to update it if it does not favor search engines. Therefore, enterprises should understand that only originality is the source of optimization:

1. Write articles around keywords

Keywords are the opinions and arguments you wish to express. Once the keywords are identified, the keywords can be accumulated around the keywords and the related arguments described. If necessary, for ease of understanding by readers, some related pictures should be prepared for decoration.

2. Do a good job of creating the content of the article

The content of the article is mostly built around the topic, but the construction of the content is also exquisite. The correct way: after the accumulation of written materials, it is best to list the writing of the sub-articles of the article, and develop each sub-paragraph, so that the sub-paragraphs are the support of the topic, and the content is the refinement of the sub-paragraphs, so that the blocking method allows the content to be carried out only around the topic, preventing the phenomenon of writing deviation caused by the occasion, and the reader has a strong sense of hierarchy and it is very easy to understand what the purpose of the author is.

3. Refinement of site content elements

The content includes not only subtitles and the development of arguments, but the article is not only the embodiment of the text. In many cases, we must consider the reading and understanding of the user. Then, at this time, we need to enrich the content of our article, you can add illustrations or other elements to additional explanations for obscure or striking arguments.

As a content creator, we will try our best to enrich the user's reading experience. For detailed information and difficult-to-understand concepts or ratings, we may make special introductions and explanations. These detailed written materials should be fully prepared before you list the topic and plan. As the point of view progresses, it only needs to be inserted into the content in time.

3. Promotion

Opt for website optimization, mainly because it can save you costs, but not time. Instead, some large companies will promote, that is, through search engine marketing, to improve their rankings quickly.

Optimization is carried out to the end at the same time as promotion, and a combination of the two methods can accelerate the optimization effect. In principle, everyone understands that SEO takes at least three to five months before you can see the initial effect, that is, a period of ranking increase, but not on the first few pages.

To speed up this process, promotion can play this role. After all, the main way to promote is payment, and the one with the highest unit price is ranked. The more clicks on a website, the better the effect, so companies can consider the two operations together to speed up optimization.

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