Unique site content - what is it?

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 Unique content is a highly effective promotion tool.Unique content, which is created not just for promotion, but also for users. We all know perfectly well that bad content will not rank in the top positions of search engines.

Moreover, site guests will simply leave your project due to the lack of reliable and competent information. But how to organize all this competently?

Today, no matter how trite it sounds, all topics have already been washed to the point)) Therefore, it is becoming more and more difficult to create something new. Sometimes it's even impossible! But the human mind always finds a solution in a given situation. Let's look at a few tips to help you in this direction.

The content of the article:

Unique Images

Unique images on the site is another plus for the site's ranking.

First you need to decide on the direction of your project. Then choose the subject of images, which in turn will fully convey the semantic component of your site. If you have a knack for photography, then it will not be difficult for you to create a set of images for your articles. I also recommend using the Screen tool on your PC or laptop. This is suitable for those webmasters who create reviews of programs, sites, plugins, etc.

It is possible to purchase paid unique images, this is done by several dozen resources on the network. But this option also has its pitfalls. For example, you will need to have a license to use certain images. This is necessary in case search engines suspect your site of using someone else's content.

And this permission will allow you to avoid problems in the future. The most common option is free images. Such media files are distributed completely free of charge! Under CC0 Public Domain License. Free for commercial use. Attribution is not required. This is the most popular way to fill the site with media content.

Optimizing images for a project

Once you have uploaded the required images, all you have to do is properly process and sign them. For processing, you can use any program as an example of photoshop. Images should be cropped and resized if necessary. After that, if you need it, the Windows editor has the ability to massively embed the information you need into the image itself. This applies to meta descriptions, tags, titles, author, etc.

After that, the image must be signed, for example, with the title of a specific article. The title should not clearly correspond to the article, only to convey some sense of the required section. The final step is to compress all your pictures. In this regard, I recommend the resource “Tinypng” - I have been using this site for a long time. The only thing for the best result is that all pictures must be run through compression 2-3 times.

The first image in each of the articles on my site is created with sizes of 200-200. Thus, it is perfect for publishing in the general feed. Many of the pictures that are posted in the content of the articles. They have a maximum size allocated for the article window of 1068px from wall to wall. This allows users to consider the option they like as much as possible, without additional actions. At the same time, on screens of a larger diameter, these pictures look no worse than on conventional monitors. Despite this, I also use the magnifying glass plugin in my arsenal.

Unique texts the most important content

A high-quality article is material where intrigue begins and clarification ends.This question is a priority for every webmaster. Unique and high-quality content really has a hard effect on website promotion in search. I personally encountered this problem when I got under the Yandex filter for re-optimization. The question of the process of creating such an article, I will describe in more detail in the next review. And now we will consider some optimal recommendations on this issue.

The first step is to tell you that unique articles can be purchased for money-mani! This applies to those who do not have the ability and time to create good material. To do this, I can recommend you the TXT.ru resource - it contains articles on various topics, as well as the possibility of ordering a particular publication purely according to your requests.

Never do copy-paste or plagiarism - it's ugly to say the least, use text rewriting. Well, it’s best to write articles in your own words, exactly as you see and present the information that you want to convey to the user. Thus, you will get in 90% the probability of 100% a unique article. Follow the proper nesting of headings! It's mostly about consistency.

Distribute headings in the article

The heading h1 is the most priority, it is in it that you need to indicate the main semantic focus of the topic of the publication. You can use part of the key request! At the same time, such a title should have a connection with the general theme of your entire project. Additional headings h2/h3/h4/5/h6 are best placed in decreasing order, in descending order of information in the article. For example, h2 applies to subsections of an article that share the main topic. And h6 comes to the end of the article.

We take into account the structure and nesting of queries

Number of words! The minimum number of words in the content should not be less than 500 characters. I'm more of a fan of counting in words. That is why I recommend keeping the value of at least 600 words in the article. This is the most optimal value. Paragraphs should also be taken into account - the content of words in one paragraph should not be less than 130 and more than 200.

Thus, the article will be the most readable in terms of SEO optimization. Consider the sentences themselves, in one sentence the number of words should not exceed 17-19. Further, such a sentence will be considered difficult to read. The ratio of complex sentences to text should not exceed 25%.

Spam in the text - you can check the spam in your publication using the same TXT.ru resource. A clear definition of spam is the number of repetitions of a single word. It should not exceed 15-19 repetitions, of course, more is possible, but the entire volume of words in the article should be taken into account. The total value of spam in the article must not exceed 60%. Further spam in the text and possible filters of search engines will follow. Number of stop words - stop words include conjunctions and words of 2-3 characters. They are evaluated as water in the text, the content of which is possible in the range from 10% to 35% no more.

The uniqueness of the article - you can check the same resource that I indicated above. A good score should range from 90% to 100% respectively. If your article received a lower rating, then take a closer look at the details of this rating. In them you can view information about which sites are already using phrases from your article. Then compare the results and replace the necessary words with synonyms. This way you don't have to completely rewrite all your work.

The overall uniqueness of the site

Not every webmaster understands what a quality site is.Of course, the uniqueness of the entire resource is also important. In this regard, it is worth considering the entire volume of content, as well as the style and design of the design. At the same time, you need to track the volume of repeated key phrases on the main page of your site (feed). This value also affects content overspam. And accordingly, it should not exceed the mark in 60%. This problem can be solved by reducing the number of displayed publications in the general indexed part of the site. This way you will reduce the repetition of phrases or words in the main feed.

What is “good, unique content”?

Touted by some of the most respected SEOs in the industry, this phrase was originally used to describe the opposite of thin content. If you're not familiar with the term "incomplete content," it refers to information on a page that provides little or no added value to visitors, which can result in a penalty from Google.

When Google first introduced this penalty in 2013, it became a big problem for many site owners who used black hat or SEO spam tactics. As a result, SEOs are placing more value on content quality than ever before and proclaiming the value of good, unique content.

Unfortunately, this has led many site owners to believe that if their content is just not bad or identical to content on other sites, they deserve high search engine rankings. It's not an option. And while the people who coined the term “good, unique content” most likely had the right idea when they started using it, it gradually became meaningless.

How to create strong content?

Instead of trying to decipher the meaning of "good, unique content" and figure out what it means for your brand, the best content marketing strategy is one that is built around your specific audience. Focus on writing articles, creating guides, and designing graphics that are really interesting and useful to your potential clients, and you'll be off to a great start.

However, with years of experience in content marketing, we know this is easier said than done. That's why we've put together the following tips to help you get started:

1. Analyze existing content

If you already have a significant number of pages on your site, you can use them as a starting point for your content. Log in to your Google Analytics account and go to the Acquisition tab, then select Basic Search and set the main parameter to Landing Page.

This will give you a complete list of the pages on your site that receive the most traffic from search engines, along with the bounce rate and average session duration for each of them. If you notice that there are a lot of visitors on the page, but most of them stay on it for a short time or immediately return to the search engine results, this is a great opportunity to improve.

You already have a solid theme and starting point - not to mention a stable position in search engine rankings - and adding to your existing content is an easy way to lower your page's bounce rate and make it more valuable to your site.

2. Do Keyword Research

Once you've improved the existing valuable pages on your site, it's time to move on to brand new themes. Fortunately, this doesn't mean staring at a blank sheet of paper (or a Word document) until a brilliant idea pops up.

3. Listen to your customers

You've probably heard this before, but it's worth repeating: your customers are your best source of content ideas. After all, they are the ones you really want to attract to your site!

Gathering ideas from them shouldn't be difficult either. In fact, it can be as simple as asking your sales and customer service teams what questions they get asked most often. Questions with complex answers can serve as topics for blog posts or long articles, while questions with short answers can be used to create FAQs on the site.

You can also use social media to ask your fans and followers what kind of content they would like to see from your company. Not only will this open up a whole new perspective for you, but it will ensure that you have a built-in audience as soon as the content is ready to be published.

As an added bonus, social media is a great place to find user-generated content. If your customers are willing to share their photos and opinions about your products or services, this can be a great way to get them involved in the content creation process.

4. Get creative

While data-driven keywords are a great source of topics to start with, chances are your competitors are using the exact same keywords. So, if you want to stand out, don't be afraid to take risks from time to time!

If you've ever tried to brainstorm topics for your company website but dismissed some of them as slightly out of place or unlikely, consider giving them another try. If you approach them in an interesting way (maybe with unique graphics or humor), you can end up creating something great.


We have considered the most common recommendations regarding the uniqueness of the content of the site. Their implementation will significantly affect the SEO optimization of the project. At the same time, after a short period of time, you will see pleasant changes in positions in the search. Moreover, the overall indexing of the entire site will be significantly accelerated.
In addition, I can say: At least once every 2-3 weeks, partially update your articles! And don't forget to post new content every 2-3 days. Thus, search robots will live with you))) On this I conclude and wish you successful work on projects.

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1 Response

  1. Евгений says:

    Now it’s clear why you have such an image design. Really unique and interesting. I like your approach. But of course, texts from the point of view of uniqueness will bring more benefits than pictures. Great article.

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