Text synonymization - change key queries to synonyms

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Text synonymization - automatic synonymizer.

Synonymization of the text what is it? Synonymize or synonymizer - methods, definitions and use of synonyms in the text to improve the quality of the text.
I welcome you again dear guests of my blog. We continue to review definitions for the Site Content section. Accordingly, this article is devoted to the synonymization of the text. And how, using this technique, you can increase the uniqueness of the text and significantly affect the readability and overall promotion of the site.

I mentioned this technique in a previous article about rewriting. But since this method is optional and has its own definition. I decided to write about it in a separate review. This article is likely to be smaller in content, but will remain as informative as previous publications. We will consider the following topics: Definition of synonymy, use, impact on the site. Let's get started!

The content of the article:

Tact Synonymization - synonymize definition and application

Online synonymizer of the text of the Russian language.My friends, for example, do not even understand what the word is. I think that a small part of you also did not come across this method of editing an article.

Synonymize is a uniqueization of low-quality material or article. Using the technique of changing key queries and the general component of the article using synonyms for words and phrases.
This method is closely related to rewriting. Using these techniques together contributes to the creation of a new quality article. Many webmasters and even seo experts believe that rewriting and synonymizing are the same method of editing and uniqueizing text.

Using synonyms when editing text

The use of synonymization in the text is the correct approach.In 2017, the text synonymization method is very popular and in demand. Especially in the promotion of the site in search engines. Also, the use of synonyms for queries can have a rather positive effect on your competitiveness. And help in general to push the article to the top for many additional requests.
In the search, there are a lot of services that provide this type of analysis and selection of synonyms for words. You just need to enter a search query like: "Synonymizer online service" and select the resource that you like. If you do not want to bother with this, there is a second option. The search engine itself perfectly issues popular queries to the main one.

That is, your task is to enter the necessary query, the search will give you synonyms. Those keywords for which users perform additional searches. This is the easiest and most affordable option. Then these queries must be applied to your texts. You can use places as a whole phrase and individual words.

The impact of this method on the site

Using synonyms in SEO Replacing keywords with synonyms.

The influence of a synonymize on ranking and overall website promotion in information retrieval.
As many people know, Google and Yandex search engines have updated their ranking algorithms. Yasha's last update was at the end of August this year. Accordingly, the search robot is now looking for meaning in the body of the article itself and in the title.
As a result, many seo-optimized texts simply fell out of the top. The solution to this problem lies precisely in the “text synonymization” method, as well as in LSI copywriting. Use of alternative synonyms instead of basic queries. I will explain the requests are necessary, but in a smaller volume.
At the same time, the search engine focuses more attention not on your keywords. Namely, these synonyms and the text surrounding them. This can be seen when issuing suitable options in the search. Here you need to pay attention to the snippet. In many cases, it is fundamentally different from the standard article meta description. And at the same time, it constantly changes depending on the given query and its relevance to your text.

Let's break down Synonymized Plagiarism

Here is the situation:

You read a text—a student essay, a blog post, a media article, whatever—and you can't shake off the déjà vu. The text sounds like you've seen it before. The plagiarism checkers don't see anything wrong with this, but… Damn! … The catch is somewhere here. Experienced educators and editors know this trick. Synonymized Plagiarism is its name.

Synonymized plagiarism, one of the most commonly used ways to hide duplicates in texts, modifies them in such a way that search engines and plagiarism detection software consider them to be original. After all, what could be easier? You take a sentence, you replace all parts of speech with closely related words - Ta yes! No copy-paste, no copyright infringement, no penalties for stealing ideas and content from others.

Don't bother!

  • First, not all plagiarism checkers are the same.
  • Secondly, there are some tricks that will help you detect this type of plagiarism in texts; in this article we are going to share them.

What's so difficult about synonymization?

The more advanced technologies defeat plagiarism, the more loopholes fraudsters try to find in order to get around the restrictions. Speaking of students, they make attempts to deceive the education system when writing scientific papers. With all these essays, reviews, theses and dissertations, most young people prefer to spend their energy manipulating other people's work rather than spend time creating their own.

They go online in search of content on relevant topics, rewrite it without links, replacing the original words with synonyms, and expect five from professors. A favorite resource for such manipulations is Wikipedia.

Of course, accusing students of plagiarism is a nightmare, as the consequences can be much more dystopian than bad grades and expulsion. This is one of the heinous acts of academia and educational institutions are doing everything they can to beat this phenomenon. But not only academics.

is a problem for anyone who hires people to write lyrics. SEOs and content marketers are asking freelance writers to provide blog posts, ad copy, and any other type of content that can be shared with an audience. And all these people want to be sure that contractors submit 100% original texts that do not violate any copyright and will not be penalized by search engines for duplication.


Thus, we can conclude that this method is perfect for implementing website promotion this year. At the same time, synonymize will be a great addition when updating content for new algorithms.

I will tell you more about one of the article optimization methods that is most in demand now in one of the following articles. Follow the site updates and leave your comments with suggestions or questions. I wish you prosperity.

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1 Response

  1. Евгений says:

    Synonymization - learned for the first time. Thanks for the great articles.

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