Tag - HTML. Site tag

✔️ Tag: HTML

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for web pages. It is used to create the content and structure of web pages and is the first step in creating a website. In this text, we will look at how HTML tags are used to create web pages and how they can be used to improve SEO.

HTML Basics

HTML is made up of various elements that can be used to create the content and structure of web pages. Each element has a tag that defines its function. Some of the most common tags include headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables.


Headings are an important element of web pages as they help define the page's content. They can also be used to improve SEO. Each heading has its own level, ranging from H1 to H6. H1 is the most important heading and is usually used for the title of a page.


Paragraphs are used to write text on a web page. They usually start with a p tag and end with /p>. Paragraphs can be used to improve SEO by including keywords in the page text.


Lists are an element that is used to create lists on web pages. They may be ordered or unordered. Ordered lists start with an ol tag, and unordered lists start with a ul tag. Each list item starts with an li tag.


Tables are used to display data on web pages. They can be created with a table tag, and each cell in a table is usually created with a td tag. Tables can be used to improve SEO, for example by including keywords in table titles.


This is actually text that needs to be interpreted by the browser. Its editors can be roughly divided into the following categories:
1. Basic text and document editing software can be written with Microsoft's own Notepad or WordPad, of course, if you use WPS or Word for writing, but please use .htm or .html as the extension when saving to do so was browser friendly. recognize direct interpretation and execution.
2. Semi-what you see is what you get software, such as: FCK-Editer, E-webediter and other online web editors; Highly Recommended: Sublime Text Code Editor (designed by John Skinner, Sublime Text 2 is loaded, but you can try endlessly).
3. WYSIWYG software, the most widely used editor, can create web pages with little knowledge of HTML, such as: AMAYA (manufacture: World Wide Web Alliance), FRONTPAGE (manufacture: Microsoft), Dreamweaver (manufacture: Microsoft, Adobe). Microsoft Visual Studio (Manufacturing Company: Microsoft): WYSIWYG software is developed faster, more efficiently, and more intuitively than WYSIWYG software. Changes made anywhere only need to be updated to display. The downside is that the generated code structure is complex, which is not conducive to advanced features such as multi-person collaboration and precise positioning of large websites.

Data type

Hypertext Markup Language defines the content of elements of various data types. For example, such as script data and style sheet data, as well as attribute values of many types, including identifiers, names, URIs, numbers, units of length, languages, media descriptors, colors, character encoding, date and time, etc. All of these data types are specialized character data.

HTML is a grammar rule for marking up the display of information on the Internet, among other features, that was originally invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN. Defined based on the older SGML with simplified language elements. These elements are used to tell the browser how to display data on the user's screen. Therefore, they have long been supported by various manufacturers of web browsers.

The HTML history has the following versions:

1. HTML 1.0: published as a working draft by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in June 1993.
2. HTML 2.0: released as RFC 1866 in November 1995 and deprecated after its release in June 2000.
3. HTML 3.2: January 14, 1997, W3C recommended standard.
4. HTML 4.0: December 18, 1997, W3C recommended standard.
5. HTML 4.01 (minor improvement): December 24, 1999, W3C recommended standard.
6. HTML 5 : HTML5 is recognized as the next generation web language that greatly enhances the Internet experience in terms of multimedia, rich content and rich applications, and is considered an important driving force that will eventually change the mobile Internet.

With the deepening of web applications, especially e-commerce applications, the downside of too simple HTML is quickly becoming apparent: it doesn't scale. HTML does not allow application developers to define custom tags for specific application environments. HTML can only be used to display information. HyperText Markup Language can set the display mode for text and pictures. But it doesn't have a semantic structure, meaning HTML renders data according to layout, not semantics.

With the development of web applications, different industries have different information needs, and these different types of information are not necessarily displayed as web pages. For example, when searching for data using a search engine, there are many advantages to presenting data in terms of semantics rather than layout.
In general, the shortcomings of HTML make it poor in interactivity and vague in semantics. These shortcomings are difficult to adapt to the requirements of the rapid development of the Internet. Therefore, standard, concise, well-structured and highly extensible XML is produced.

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