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htaccess is a configuration file for the Apache web server. It allows you to manage server settings at the directory level and can be used for various purposes such as URL redirection, access control, and caching.

What is htaccess?

Htaccess is short for "Hypertext Access" and is the configuration file for the Apache web server. It is located in the root directory of a website and allows you to manage server settings at the directory level.

How to use htaccess?

To use htaccess, you need to create a file called “.htaccess” (without the quotes) in the root directory of the website. You can then add various directives to it to control server settings.

URL redirection

One of the most common tasks that can be done with htaccess is URL redirection. This can be useful if you want to redirect visitors from old pages to new ones, or if you have changed the structure of your site.

Access control

Htaccess can also be used to control access to specific pages or directories on your site. For example, you can restrict access to certain IP addresses or deny access to files with certain extensions.


Caching is another useful feature that can be configured with htaccess. This speeds up page loading by keeping copies of frequently requested files in the user's browser cache.

Additional htaccess features

In addition to the functions listed above, htaccess can also be used to perform other tasks. For example, it can be used to set up custom error pages, manage HTTP headers, and set content compression.

Custom error pages

Htaccess allows you to set up custom error pages for your site. This means that instead of standard error pages. Provided by the web server, you can display your own pages with custom designs and messages.

HTTP header management

htaccess also allows you to control the HTTP headers that are sent by the web server in response to client requests. This can be useful for caching control or to prevent cross-domain requests.

Content Compression

With htaccess, you can configure content compression to speed up page loading. This is especially useful for sites with a lot of text content. Since compression can significantly reduce the amount of transmitted data.

Hypertext Access is a powerful tool for managing Apache web server settings. It offers many additional features. Which can be useful for optimizing your site. However, you should be careful when working with this file and always make backup copies before making changes.

In general, a Hypertext Access file is a configuration file on the Apache server. Which is responsible for setting up web pages in linked directories. With this file, we can help us achieve: 301 web page redirects, custom 404 error pages, changing file extensions, allowing/blocking access to specific users or directories, disallowing directory listings, setting default documents, and other features.

Unix systems, Linux systems, or any version of the Apache web server support Hypertext Access. But some hosting providers may not allow you to customize your own file.

To enable Hypertext Access you need to modify httpd.conf to enable AllowOverride and use AllowOverride to restrict the use of certain commands. If you need to use a different filename than the existing one, you can use the AccessFileName directive to change it.

For example, if you need to use .config, you can set it up in the server configuration file like this: AccessFileName .config .
In simple terms, this file can help us achieve: password protection of a folder, automatic redirection of users, custom error pages, changing your file extension, disallowing users with certain IP addresses, allowing only users with certain IP addresses, disallowing a directory listing, and some features .

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