CSS code

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CSS code is a style language used to describe the appearance and formatting of documents written in markup languages such as HTML and XHTML. CSS allows developers to control the color, font, size, and position of elements on a web page.

What is CSS code? – CSS Syntax

CSS syntax consists of a set of rules that define how elements on a web page should be displayed. A CSS rule consists of a selector and a declaration block. The selector determines which elements the rule applies to, and the declaration block contains a set of properties and their values.

CSS selectors

There are many different types of CSS selectors that allow you to select elements on a web page based on various criteria. For example, tag selectors select all elements with a specific tag, while class selectors select all elements with a specific class.

CSS properties

CSS properties determine how elements on a web page should be displayed. For example, the `color` property specifies the color of the text, and the `font-size` property specifies the font size. There are many different CSS properties that allow you to control all aspects of the appearance of elements.

CSS code is a powerful tool for controlling the appearance of web pages. It allows developers to create beautiful and functional websites with a simple and clear syntax.

Cascading and Inheritance in CSS

One of the key features of CSS is cascading. This means that styles defined on a parent element can be inherited by its child elements. However, if the child element has its own styles defined, they take precedence over the inherited styles.

CSS Box Model

The CSS box model defines how elements are laid out on a web page. It consists of four layers: content, padding, border, and margin. The size and position of each layer can be controlled using the appropriate CSS properties.

CSS code allows you to create beautiful and functional web pages using a simple and understandable syntax. There are many different selectors, properties, and methods that allow you to control all aspects of the appearance of elements. Using CSS code is an integral part of website development.

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