Speed up site indexing in Google and Yandex search engines

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How to speed up site indexing in Yandex and Google?On SEO forums and CEO communities, topics with the question began to appear with enviable frequency - “how to speed up site indexing?' and similar questions.

So, as you already understood, in this article we will talk about how to speed up the indexing of a site in Yandex and Google search engines.

The content of the article:

Sitemap - how to speed up site indexing

Site indexing is the collection of information by a search engine.

Site Map can be of 2 formats - xml and html. The xml format is a priority for search engines, so it is better to use it to speed up site indexing. It will be discussed :)

The HTML format is used to improve website usability and user experience. Today, 99% CMS can automatically generate an XML sitemap, for example, in Wordpress, the Google Sitemap Generator For WordPress plugin serves for this.

Don't be fooled by the fact that the title uses only the Google search engine. In fact, the XML format is understood by all search engines (Google just do it first).

The sitemap has a great effect on the indexing speed of the site, both new materials and the site as a whole. There are often cases when you need to drive a site of 1000+ pages into the index of search engines. In this case, the sitemap is indispensable. After all, there are two ways to “force” search engine robots to index a site:

  1. Submit the site to the search engines, then wait for the robots to come to the site in the order of the general queue.
  2. To "lure" robots through a link from another site.

External links to the sitemap as a way to speed up indexing

If the robot comes not to some page of the site, but to the site map, then it will index many pages at a time (in some cases, several thousand).

So all we need to do is put a couple of links to our sitemap from resources where search robots often spin. Free blogging platforms LiveJournal or WordPress will do for this, even if the links are closed with the NOFOLLOW attribute.

Social bookmarking on the example of Twitter

Links from social networks will speed up indexing in Yandex and Google.

A lot has been written on the Internet about social bookmarking, including bad ones. They say that links from them do not work, etc. Do not believe it - everything works, you just need to approach it wisely! In terms of speeding up indexing, it works!

It also increases and dilutes the reference mass, which is good. At Google, I promote low-frequency queries using bookmarks. In general, there is sense from them and not using them is stupid. Twitter is used to speed up site indexing. Google robots live there, so the indexing of new documents is a hundred times faster and better ranked.

Let's sum up

If you need to add and index a multi-page site, then you need to make an XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap and put several links on the HTML map (Adding an XML sitemap to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster is only welcome).

Also, do not forget to write the path to the XML sitemap in robots.txt. If you want to speed up the indexing of your new posts, add them to social bookmarking services and to Twitter. That's all for now. Good luck in promotion!


Q: What is a sitemap and how can it speed up the indexing of a site in search engines?

A: A sitemap is a file that contains information about the structure of a site, including all of its pages and links between them. Think of it like a roadmap for search engines - it helps them quickly and easily find all the pages on your site and index them. If you have a sitemap, then search engines can quickly find all the new pages you add to your site and add them to your index.

Q: How can external links to a sitemap help speed up site indexing?

A: External sitemap links can help speed up site indexing because they help search engines quickly find and index your sitemap. When other sites link to your sitemap, it tells search engines that your site is valuable and contains useful information. This can cause search engines to crawl your site more often, which in turn will help speed up site indexing.

Q: How can social bookmarking on the example of Twitter help speed up site indexing?

A: Social bookmarking like Twitter can help speed up site indexing because it tells search engines that there is new content on your site. When you add a link to a new page on your Twitter site, it tells search engines that there is new content on your site. Search engines can then quickly crawl your site and index this new page. Additionally, social bookmarking can lead other users to link to your site, which can also help speed up indexing.

Q: What file format should a sitemap have to speed up indexing?

A: A sitemap can be in multiple formats, including XML, HTML, and TXT. However, XML is the most common and recommended format. An XML sitemap should contain links to each page on your site, as well as information about the date it was last modified and its priority.

Q: How can internal links on the site affect the speed of indexing?

A: Internal links within a site can help speed up site indexing because they help search engines understand the structure of your site and how all of the pages are related to each other. If you use structured internal links, then search engines can crawl your site faster and index all of its pages.

Q: How can using robots.txt affect site indexing?

A: Using a robots.txt file can help speed up site indexing if configured correctly. The robots.txt file is used to tell search engines which pages on your site should be indexed and which should not. If you properly configure the robots.txt file, it will help you avoid indexing unwanted pages and speed up the process of crawling pages on the site.

Q: What other methods besides the sitemap and external links can help speed up site indexing?

A: Other methods that can help speed up site indexing include: creating useful content on the site, using the right meta tags, making the site load faster, using social networks to promote the site and get links, and submitting the site for review by Google Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster .

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