Website technical optimization - the most important actions

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Technical website optimization: basic SEO requirements.

Technical website optimization for search engines. The guide describes methods for internal website optimization.
Technical optimization — the correct setting of the site for the highest quality interaction with search engines. It must be done immediately after installing the engine and while working with the initial filling of the site with content. Now I will tell you what important aspects of optimization you need to pay attention to and do first.

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Technical SEO versus Internal SEO vs External SEO

Many people break search engine optimization (SEO) into three different blocks: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. Let's take a quick look at what each of them means.

Internal SEO optimization

SEO on page refers to content that tells search engines (and readers!) what your page is about, including image alt text, keyword usage, meta descriptions, H1 tags, URL names, and internal links. You have maximum control over on-page SEO because everything is on your site.

External SEO optimization

External SEO tells search engines how popular and useful your page is through trust—primarily backlinks or links from other sites to your own. The quantity and quality of backlinks increase the PageRank and the page's IQ. All else being equal, a page with 100 relevant links from trusted sites will rank higher than a page with 50 relevant links from trusted sites (or 100 irrelevant links from trusted sites).

Technical SEO optimization

Technical SEO is also under your control, but it's a bit harder to master as it's less intuitive.

Correct site structure

Site structure.

Any site should have the most convenient structure. Like people, search engines look at a website and evaluate its usability. Any Internet resource should have a nesting of no more than three pages. That is, from the main page, in a maximum of three clicks, the user should be able to get to any page. The most important examples of technical site optimization for the best ranking in search engines.
The most correct and simple structure for an information site would be:

— Home — Category — Material.

Categories define sections. If the site is about various diseases, then the categories can be: Cardiology, Neurology, Surgery ...
For more complex projects covering more information, the structure could be:

— Main — Category — Subcategory — Material.

Thus, the structure is expanded, but remains clear and logical. For example, on this site, the category Cardiology may contain subsections Heart disease and Vascular disease.
It is not forbidden to post material related to two or more sections. For example, a material about Hepatitis may be in the Hepatology and Virology categories at the same time. The main thing is to observe the hierarchy of materials.
The construction of the correct structure is thought out at the stage of planning and collecting the semantic core.

Correct page linking

Correct internal page linking.

I am already preparing a more in-depth material on linking and will post it soon. Relinking - placing links within the site for easy navigation of users and transferring the weight of pages.
To see an example of linking, open any Wikipedia article. Each contains many links to other articles. There is even a joke that from any Wikipedia article in five clicks you can get to an article about Hitler. Of course, on your site, the article should not have 20 links to other materials, but 2-4 links are needed.

An important property of linking is the transfer of weight to other pages. When all pages are connected to each other, the weight will be distributed evenly and the overall positions will grow. And when one specific page is promoted, then the weight from other materials is transferred to it. To make it clearer, let's say you want to promote a page on a medical site with the Pediatric Checkup service. To do this, we will write several articles on childhood illnesses in the blog, and wherever we mention the need for examination by a pediatrician, we will put links to our service.

Breadcrumbs and Usability

Breadcrumbs on the site are a useful navigation element.

A good structure is nothing if the user cannot see it. When creating a site, it is necessary to put its usefulness for the end person and ease of use at the forefront. If a visitor to your site gets lost and cannot find more interesting materials for himself, then you have problems with usability.

Breadcrumbs and Sitemap, can be implemented using simple plugins or by making changes in the code if they are not provided for by the template used. But the usability will have to work. It is necessary to think over the menu correctly, make it visually noticeable and convenient for use. Think over various little things, because even the usual page-up button makes life much easier for the user, allowing you to go to the header in one click, and not scroll through the already read material with a video.

Technical optimization is primarily code optimization

Optimization, compression and caching of HTML, CSS, JS in PHP.

Website code optimization to achieve the best result. Compress images, css, js, html to achieve better speed with .htaccess file.
Today, users have become impatient and if the site opens even a second longer than that of a competitor, they will go to it. Search engines are also aware of this, using download speed as one of the ranking factors. Therefore, it is important to make the site as fast as possible. Heavy pictures, invalid layout code, incorrect server responses do not contribute to this.
Now I will talk about code optimization in general, so that you get an initial idea. I will also prepare a material where I will tell you in detail and make a step-by-step guide to optimizing the code.

So, in order to optimize the code and make the site the most attractive for search engines, we need to:

Compress pictures, reduce its weight, which will make loading faster

Often, inexperienced webmasters upload high-resolution images to the server, which are then compressed using CSS for display. It is correct to upload pictures in the resolution in which they will be shown on the page. You can manually compress pictures by resaving them in Photoshop, or use one of the many services that can compress pictures. Use the WebP Image Format is a new image file format for use on the web. When using the WebP image format, your images will be 25 to 34 % smaller than PNG and JPEG without losing quality.

Optimize html, js and css

We need to make the page code as simple as possible. Regarding html, then remove all code commenting, make a normal line-break. For js scripts, place them after the content so that meaningful information appears on the screen before the scripts load. The exception is the script and is needed to display the content. It will be useful to put all the scripts in one file. CSS - use stylesheets for everything. Any output should ideally happen via CSS, and not be loaded every time with unwieldy code.

Resource minimization (HTML , wbr CSS and wbr JavaScript) is a very important aspect of successful optimization

Minification refers to the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the resource is handled by the browser - such as comments and code formatting, removing unused code, using shorter variable and function names, etc. You should minify your HTML resources, CSS and JavaScript:

  • To minify HTML try HTMLMinifier
  • To minify CSS, try CSSNano and csso .
  • To minify JavaScript, try UglifyJS. The Closure Compiler is also very efficient. You can create a build process that uses these tools to minify and rename development files and store them in the production directory.

In addition, the PageSpeed module integrates with the Apache or Nginx web server to automatically optimize your site, including resource minimization.

Set up the right redirects

It is necessary that all pages respond with 200, and where a redirect is needed with the transfer of page weight, for example, when changing its address, a 301 code is given. solve it. Audit redirects regularly. Processing a 301 redirect takes a few seconds. Multiply that by a few pages or redirect levels and you will seriously impact your website speed.

Take Advantage of Caching Plugins

Caching plugins store a static version of your site to send back to returning users, thus reducing site load time during return visits.

Use asynchronous (asynchronous) loading

Scripts are instructions that servers must read before they can process the HTML or body of your web page, which is what visitors want to see on your site. Typically, scripts are placed on a website (such as your Google Tag Manager script) where they take precedence over the content of the rest of the page. Using asynchronous code means that the server can process HTML and script at the same time, thereby reducing latency and increasing page load time. Here's what an async script looks like: script async src="script.js"/script

Try not to use old versions of plugins

Outdated plugins often have security vulnerabilities that leave your site vulnerable to attackers that can damage your site's rankings. Make sure you always use the latest versions of plugins, and minimize usage to the bare essentials. In the same vein, consider using custom themes, as pre-built website themes often contain a lot of unnecessary code.

Consider a Content Distribution Network (CDN)

CDNs are distributed web servers that store copies of your website in various geographic locations and deliver your site based on the crawler's location. Because information travels less distance between servers, your site loads faster for the requester.

Website technical optimization This process is quite time-consuming and requires special knowledge. But using the generally accepted recommendations and instructions, even the one who uploaded the engine to the hosting for the first time yesterday can set up the site.

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